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Here is the best trick to check that our hair is healthy

Dry, broken, split ends or damaged hair... Our mane requires the greatest care and represents many evils. But to know his state of health, no need to go to the hairdresser! There is a foolproof method that only requires a glass of water and a lock of hair. Thanks to this technique, we can effectively target the appropriate care.

So, to find out if our mop of hair is healthy, just pull out a small lock of hair, then immerse it in an almost full glass of water. There are then only two possible cases.

Tighten hair scales

The first:the hair floats on the surface thanks to their scales which are tight. So it's a good sign and it shows that they are in great shape! On the other hand, if they drown and fall to the bottom of the glass, it means on the contrary that their scales are not tight enough, and that they are therefore absorbing water... Oops.

So, for those prone to drowning hair, don't panic. There are a large number of homemade masks that can nourish the scalp in depth. So bet on coconut oil, avocado, honey or even eggs… The best beauty allies are most often natural!