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Here is the simple gesture that (really) promotes hair growth!

We know all the massages that allow us to relax and de-stress and can you imagine that these are also particularly effective in promoting hair growth and keep them healthy. To do this, simply massage your scalp . It sounds simple said like that, but there are a few rules to follow if you want to see results very quickly.

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The scalp massage provides many benefits for our hair . It is recognized for its relaxing virtues, but not only. Scalp massage also helps to activate blood flow , and thus make the hair more shiny . It also accelerates hair growth significantly.

In summary, the more the scalp is oxygenated, the healthier the hair fiber. But be careful, it is not a question of irritating the epidermis, it is necessary to massage gently for several minutes.

What care should be used to massage the scalp?

To combine pleasure and effectiveness, you can do homemade hair care to nourish and stimulate hair growth . vegetable oils – such as castor oil or almond oil – are particularly recommended to activate regrowth. You can also massage your scalp with a few drops of Bay Saint Thomas essential oil . The latter slows hair loss, promotes hair growth and fights dandruff . Just put a drop of this hair tonic in your shampoo.

Also know that a good brush stroke makes the hair more beautiful and voluminous. But be careful, it is not a question of using just any accessory! One in particular is very popular across the Atlantic:the scalp brush , understand the scalp brush. Equipped with specific spikes, it allows you to properly massage the scalp on a daily basis.

Find out how to massage your scalp in our slideshow.

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