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Here is the best deodorant on the market according to 60 Million consumers

Find beauty products that respect our skin and the environment, it can be a real headache! Indeed, in shampoos, certain substances can harm our hair. On the shower gel side, the components are sometimes allergenic and in the deodorant department, you can find sprays that release volatile organic compounds pollutants… So what to choose? To help us, the magazine 60 Million consumers regularly publish special issues, which analyze the components of beauty products, in order to select those that are the healthiest.

What is the best deodorant on the market, according to 60 million consumers?

The magazine 60 Millions de consommateurs produced a special issue in January called "The cream of cosmetics:how to choose the safest ones" . Through 160 sheets, it helps you choose the best cosmetics of the market. As for deodorants, the magazine's team relied on the presence of harmful components, such as irritating and polluting substances, allergens or endocrine disruptors. These can interfere with our hormonal system, so we try not to invite them into our daily lives.

Thus, the best deodorant on the market according to 60 Million consumers , would be the Sanex Stick 24h , 0% aluminum salts and 0% alcohol. A stick that provides devilish and lasting protection, with a gentle and effective formula. Dermatologically tested and alcohol-free, it respects the skin's balance.