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How to read (and understand) a garment's washing label

Have you ever put jeans or your blouse in the machine, and found them two sizes smaller? ? We understand, we ourselves have already experienced this disaster. When wewash our clothes , we tend to neglect the small symbols present on the label. However, they are a real maintenance guide which saves us many surprises in the wash. But as important as they are, they can sometimes be a little tricky to grasp. To help you see more clearly, we give you how to read and understand the washing label of a garment . So, no more problems, and hello clothes that stay the same as during our shopping spree.

How to read (and understand) the washing label of a garment?

If the label is often long, with small inscriptions, they are full of good information to know for a good maintenance of our clothes . The size, the indication "made in" followed by the country of manufacture, the composition and the maintenance are included so that we can offer our fashion piece the most beautiful and long life possible. But did you know that this label is not mandatory in France? However, it remains highly recommended. In fact, these symbols are codes that allow us to know the most severe treatment that our clothes can undergo without being damaged. The order of symbols on clothing labels is always the same:washing, bleaching, ironing, dry cleaning, and drying . It is therefore enough to pay particular attention to these so that the cleaning of your laundry goes as smoothly as possible.

How to read (and understand) the washing label of a garment:the meaning of the symbols

Ladies and gentlemen, to your pens, it's time to decode what the labels on our clothes really say.

Let's start with the basics, the washing logo. A small basin filled with water, which indicates the recommended temperature. If certain materials do not tolerate machine washing , we will find there the symbol of the machine crossed out with a cross . The hand wash logo will take its place.

You can also find the laundry symbol, a circle with the letter P, F or W. This specifies whether the cleaning must be done dry (P and F) or wet (W) by a professional.

Not to be overlooked:the dryer symbol . This symbol tells you whether or not you can tumble dry your garment. If it is crossed out, the use of the tumble dryer forbidden. The points indicated represent the intensity of the program to dry the laundry . They can be 1, 2 or 3 in number.

Not all materials can be ironed, and this is where the iron symbol intervenes. Heat can be indicated by a number or by dots (like the dryer, 1 dot =110°, 2 =150°, 3=200°).

The triangle symbol , represents the bleaching stage . Generally, it is present only on white clothes, and indicates whether they should be bleached or not.

Finally, the circle logo indicates the need to use chemical methods, or not. It is especially there for professionals.

How to read (and understand) the washing label of a garment:its importance

If this label is essential for the maintenance of our clothes, it also helps us to choose them. Indeed, the composition being registered there, one can know with which matter to face. If it is important to know how to preserve it, it is also useful for our comfort. And yes, in winter for example, we can favor the warmest components to protect us from the cold.