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Leather care:how to waterproof your shoes?

Indispensable in our fashion wardrobe, leather shoes know how to convince us to adopt them. No matter the season, it's always a good idea to include them in our outfit. As hot as they are, leather shoes require special maintenance. As real fashionistas that we are, it is therefore our duty to take care of them and offer them the most beautiful and long life alongside our most sumptuous looks. For it ? A simple gesture:waterproofing . Why, how, we give you everything you need to know aboutthe maintenance of our leather shoes.

Leather care:why waterproof your shoes?

When you think of waterproofing , we think it's a simple gesture to adopt after the end of summer, when autumn is on its way. We think that with the cold, and the autumn rain, it's the perfect time to protect our shoes. Serious mistake. Our leather shoes must be protected all year round, from winter to summer. Waterproofing our shoes certainly serves to prevent water from getting on our pair, but also to avoid stains of all kinds . In reality, water is not so much of a problem for leather. After all, it is a skin, and therefore it is used to water. The real pest is dirt what this water contains. They are the ones who stain our leather , and that is why they must be protected.

Leather care:how to waterproof our shoes?

Like any good routine, we start with cleaning our shoes. No, we are not talking about a shower, but rather dusting them, and thus removing all the small invisible dirt. Before waterproofing them , if your shoes are not waxed leather, you will have to wax them yourself . Indeed, the fibrous structure of the leather leaves the pores slightly open to preserve its breathable properties. They are therefore not naturally watertight. At the time of waterproofing , it will be necessary to choose the right product. Depending on where you purchase your pair, you will be offered a suitable little bombshell. We often tell ourselves that we do not need it, wrongly. In the form of a spray, it will seal in the protective power of the polish without penetrating into the leather. Thus, your shoes are protected, without clogging pores.

Leather care:mistakes not to make on your shoes

Let it be said, we all have this habit of letting our shoes air dry when they get wet. Leather is skin, and what happens when it is exposed to heat without protection? She's getting dehydrated, bingo. So, if we want to keep our leather shoes as long as possible, we avoid this little habit. On the other hand, to dry them without damaging them, there are a few tricks. Use a soft cloth to hand dry it gently. If they have been exposed to a lot of water, you can stuff them with newspaper to absorb the moisture and give the leather time to relax. Finally, once dry, apply a nourishing cream to rehydrate your leather.