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This is how the feminine ideal is further maintained

The feminine ideal. It is no longer surprising that women are often so insecure about their appearance. Just watch TV or flip through a magazine, then it should be clear that not everyone is on the cover or is asked in an advertisement. And that in itself is fine, because there is a difference and if you want to radiate something as a brand, then you look at what suits you. I understand all that. What I don't understand, however, is that the ending is simply missing.

Female ideal image is maintained

Look, in the end we all do a little bit to keep that going. Especially if you like the perfect pictures on Facebook or Instagram, for example. And who is not guilty of it? A little filter here, some brushing there. Be honest… have you never taken a 2nd photo because you didn't look so great the 1st time? I confess:I do. And sometimes for a 3rd or a 4th time. Or use a black and white filter. I am 'Queen of standing in the picture with closed eyes'. Or with a half open mouth and a silly look. I'm just not photogenic. Quite a bit of a sucker as a blogger, but at the same time I'm glad I don't have to have my vlogging skills, haha.

Photoshop until we drop

However, you can no longer ignore Photoshop these days. Take a look at the photo above to see how a photo is 'worked'. An even better example 'taken from real life'… read my blog about Lotte's scar that was retouched on a school photo… I was furious about it! How am I supposed to protect my daughter from this feminine ideal if even the school photographer starts working with it without being asked?

I recently wrote a blog about a FPS, father of four daughters, who tries to portray real life with his Instagram account. A super fun account to follow, but secretly I wonder if they are indeed all one-time-shots. Well, it doesn't matter either. The photos do reflect reality, they are not shopped. They are themselves, and may have tried several times to get the picture a bit slicker. So what?

It will be different with the lady who is filmed above for an advertising billboard. You have to watch how she is 'adjusted' to ensure that she pursues a feminine ideal. Disgusting, isn't it?

Let's stick together! To all women:stay true to yourself, see how we get screwed. Will you help spread this vibe?


Image used via Shutterstock