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Lose holiday kilos due to 100% natural slimming powder from the slimming tuber

The eternal battle against the pounds. A recurring phenomenon for me, which is why I regularly write about it. Every now and then I try something out and I am already preparing for the month of September. Holidays behind us, delicious dinners and wines on a terrace… you probably know what that does to your body. And I'm not twenty anymore either 😉 . Do you recognize this? Then maybe you should read on, because there is something new on the market. This time a slimming powder from the slimming tuber. We have not yet tested it ourselves, because it has only just been launched here in the Netherlands, but it does sound promising.

Read also: lose weight by eating low-carb, Linda lost 44 kilos!

Table of contents

Slimming powder from the Chinese slimming tuber

In China, this slimming tuber has been used for much longer. And much longer is quite an understatement here. For centuries, the beneficial tubers of the Dioscorea Oppositifolia plant have been used in China against obesity.

Powder for weight loss

I know, it sounds too good to be true. Nevertheless, the tests show that this slimming powder from the tuber prevents fat build-up in the body. Leiden University has discovered this during researches in recent years. Applications of the slimming tuber are being investigated with a view to marketing it as a medicine against obesity at some point. However, that is not yet the case.

But figures from CBS and RIVM show that last year almost half (49.2 percent) of Dutch people over eighteen were overweight. That's quite something! Time to lose weight en masse?

In China, they have been using these tubers for centuries as a medicinal product. This is also the reason why the tuber is now grown on a small scale in the Netherlands. Unfortunately not yet on a large scale for the consumer. That is why the Healthy Me company has started activities to process fresh tubers in China into raw powder on site.

Organic slimming powder from China

The tubers are processed under strict hygienic conditions without any additives and while preserving the specific characteristic ingredients of the slimming tuber. This produces a 100% organic and vegetable slimming powder.

Sugar is converted to fat in the body. This causes fat accumulation and the fat content and therefore the weight increase. The main characteristic is that the tuber (and therefore also its pure powder) counteracts this fat accumulation and the fat clusters and drains naturally from the body. If you eat 20 grams of slimming powder of this fat-digesting slimming tuber per day, this process is started. For example, you can put the slimming powder in your yogurt or in a smoothie. You can even just sprinkle it over your dinner.

Result with daily use?

As everyone knows, healthy and varied food in combination with exercise (sports) are the basic conditions for burning fat and losing weight. If you also use the slimming powder, the already present body fat will burn, so that you can lose 3 to 5 kilos per month in a natural way (with daily use).

Ingredients slimming tuber

The slimming tuber contains a number of essential ingredients that prevent fat accumulation. Firstly, the tuber (and therefore also the powder) is rich in Mucus Fluid. Mucus Fluid is a body's own mucus that mainly consists of protein and water. Especially the protein would reduce the subcutaneous fat storage. In addition, it contains a high content of cellulose. This gives you an earlier feeling of satiety. The carbohydrates in the tuber and the slimming powder are complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates contain vitamins, minerals and fiber that improve your bowel movements. Not to be confused with the simple carbohydrates that turn on.

Nutritional supplements for weight loss

Sure, there are countless ways to lose weight. We've already discussed several of them here. I lose most weight during stressful periods, such as moving house or when I am busy at work. Not recommended. You can lose weight by eating little, but that is of course not very healthy. And the pounds will come back twice as fast when you start snacking again. Often it is not so much a matter that you less going to eat. Other food can also save a lot of kilos.

But can't you now get rid of those last kilos, without doing very crazy things? Well, who knows, maybe this slimming powder might be an option.

If you try it, be sure to let me know what the result is for you! And if I don't get back to my 'normal' weight soon in September, I might also eat some powder from waste nodules for a few months!

More information about this product can be found here.

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