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Fighting crow's feet? Completely away from me is not necessary, but a little less is allowed

I know, it's kind of part of getting older, wrinkles on your face. But to be really happy about that? New. Yet Frank always shouts that he has fallen in love with my laugh lines. Yes, apparently I already had it 18 years ago. Of course I'm happy that he is charmed by the crow's feet under my eyes, but more importantly I think I feel okay with it myself. And that is unfortunately not always the case.

I like to try out products every now and then that take good care of my skin. Products that preferably also ensure that wrinkles and lines are reduced. This time these are the products from Remescar and I would like to tell you about my experiences in this review.

Table of Contents

Reduce wrinkles and lines, like for example the crow's-feet under my eyes

A little more about Frank. So he says that I already had those smile lines at my eyes when I got to know him. That might be right, because I'm a happy girl and like to laugh 😉 . But I can really see that my skin has been through quite a bit in recent years. Crow's feet are clearly aggravated. It's not just the wrinkles on the sides of my eyes that I notice now, but also the wrinkles under my eyes. Not to mention the fine wrinkles above my upper lip.

Reduce crow's-feet under my eyes

Now there are a number of things I can do that will make me look fresher in the morning and make the lines less visible. For starters, going to bed on time important. In addition, it helps if I drink a lot of water and I also look a lot fresher if I didn't drink wine the evening before. One wine is not very visible yet. Unfortunately, the second glass of wine makes the crow's feet more visible in the morning.

In short, these are the things that I can adjust in terms of lifestyle to reduce the crow's feet. So if you also suffer from wrinkles under your eyes, I definitely recommend that you try the above.


In addition to the above, it is also important to take good care of your skin with the right products. As indicated, I have used products from Remescar . for the past few weeks allowed to try. The Instant Wrinkle Corrector , an anti-aging serum and a nice day and night cream .

My grooming ritual is as follows. In the morning I take a shower and wash myself. Then I pat my face dry and I clean it extra with the micellar water that was also in my package. Then I apply the moisturizing day cream. I can tell you a wonderful product. The day cream needs some time to absorb. During my breakfast there is a good time for that.

Then I go upstairs to brush my teeth and then comes the moment of the Instant Wrinkle Corrector. I squeeze a grain-sized amount from the tube and rub it between my fingertips. Then I gently 'tap' with my index fingers under my eyes to apply the wrinkle corrector against the crow's feet. So I don't rub, but apply the wrinkle corrector (on the advice of Remescar himself) while tapping. And I'd like to show you what that Instant Wrinkle Corrector does to reduce the wrinkles under my eyes.

My evening-routine to reduce wrinkles and lines

Not only in the morning, but also in the evening I try to keep my skin care routine in order to prevent skin aging give less chance. I use the night cream and the anti-aging serum † You should not apply the latter on a daily basis, by the way. This serum contains a high concentration of Retinol that stimulates collagen production. It strengthens and tightens your skin. A nice support if you have crow's feet. But your skin should be given the chance to get used to this product. So include it step by step in your care routine and don't use it every evening.

Remescar review

I find the products that I have used from Remescar to be pleasant to use. I also read here and there about the Remescar bags and dark circles cream, but I have not tested it. So I can't tell you about that.

In any case, I find the Instant Wrinkle Corrector pleasant to work with to reduce the wrinkles and crow's feet under my eyes. It is a pity that the result is not permanent, but it is logical of course. After applying the Wrinkle Corrector, I always wait a little longer before applying my eye pencil. Do you still use liquid makeup or concealer or something like that? Then it is better to apply the Instant Wrinkle Corrector after your make-up.

You should also not forget to warm up the product between your index fingers and activate it before you start using it. And make sure that the product absorbs well so that you don't have white spots.

The other products such as the day and night cream are pleasant to use. They apply nicely but the skin does not remain greasy for too long. I think that's a plus. I do like it when my products have a really nice scent. During my Remescar review I noticed that the smell of the products is very subtle 😉, I think I would have liked a little stronger. Well, it's all about the result, of course.

Are you familiar with Remescar products and do you recognize yourself in my review? Or are the results different for you?