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The heels ? Not even afraid !

Are you ready to take the height? Let's go. Walking in heels with grace while protecting your feet is possible thanks to these 10 lessons:

1. In store:choose your heels

To engrave in our heads:a shoe that hurts during the fitting will hurt all the time. As you try them on, you should hear your feet saying, "Oh yeah, I'm fine in it!" .

So we choose the right size, we cross out the models where the compression points are already bothering us, if only a little.

The trick? Do your shopping in the late afternoon, when your feet have swollen slightly. That way, there will only be good surprises in perspective!

2. Preparation:take it easy

Walking in heels is like a sport or your godchild's console game:you level up little by little.

Want to try 10 cm heels but are more used to ballerinas? Ok. Then start by walking for a few days with small 3 cm heels, just to get your feet used to it. When you feel they're ready, hop, we go to 5 cm, then 7 cm, 8 cm and finally, it's the Holy Grail:you have arrived at 10 cm, without even realizing it. Mission accomplished!

3. Make your shoes

It's your feet that will be happy:make your shoes faster, it's possible.

At the weekend, wear your new pretty pair for a few hours at home.

In the evening, stuff them with damp newspaper to soften the material.

And on the street, when it's cold, put on big socks or cozy and warm tights to "open up" your shoes even more, without damaging them.

4. We pamper our nails

What are ingrown toenails? No wonder you don't know, you cut your nails with a nail clipper every 15 days, straight, not too short, without touching the corners (which you file).

5. The magic soles

For those who have to move a lot during the day, we prefer shoes designed for walking in the city. Equipped with a rigid counter and a slightly raised heel, they support the foot perfectly. That way, in the evening, our feet are on the attack for thinner pumps.

The transparent gel half insoles will also become your greatest allies. And for good reason:by holding your foot to the sandal, they prevent it from slipping, having the arch that heats up and the toes that tense up. Total comfort.

6. We walk like a star

Walking well in heels ensures good balance and preserves the well-being of your little feet. To have the ideal approach, a few simple tips should be remembered:

Raise your head, puff out your chest, tilt your shoulders back, look straight ahead and stand up straight. It's good for your back, your feet and increases your charismatic power and your confidence tenfold.

Put all your weight forward, even if it means bending your knees slightly to keep your balance. The heel of the shoe will therefore be less stressed.

We sway, especially if we want to turn. It anchors us better in the ground and makes us look like a star on the red carpet as a bonus.

7. Vary the shoe models

Muscle twitches in the feet? You don't know either. Because you vary the shoes and the heights every 2 days. A great way to give your shoes and toes a rest. Not stupid the beast!

8. Adapt the pumps according to the ground

In order to optimize your comfort, choose your shoes of the day in the morning according to the ground you will be walking on.

Shopping day and miles of concrete to tread? Today you take soft soles and tomorrow you will alternate with stiffer and thicker soles.

Aperitif with a friend who has a nice floor? Let's go for rubber soles or chunky heels, wide enough to prevent slipping.

9. We offer (almost for free) happiness at our feet

Did you spend the day in heels? It's time to offer a reward to our feet. And for that, you don't need to have your dead skin eaten by disgusting little fish.

At home, we walk barefoot to let them rest. In addition, it stimulates the sensitivity of the skin, improves the balance of the body and limits osteoporosis, the brain registering the presence of a hard ground.

Do not hesitate to share your moments of relaxation at your feet. Enjoy, for example, a good movie, reading a good book or a board game session with your children to take a foot bath at the same time.

In the bathroom, you can decongest them with a shot of cold water and then apply a good layer of argan oil or moisturizer. It feels good and it smells good, enough to put us in a good mood.

Finally, the next morning, we do without the Akiléïne NOK marathon runners cream, emphasizing the areas of potential chafing to protect against blisters and skin irritations.

10. Have a first aid kit in your bag

We, the unforeseen, we manage them like queens. As we follow the 9 lessons above, we know that we will not have blisters or other sores on the feet. But as we are far-sighted, when in doubt, we put special blister plasters in a pretty pouch, stored in our handbag.

In this small kit, you can also add hydrocolloid dressings and silicone gel protections, to use when you make your shoes.

By rummaging through your bag, your family may also be able to discover... foldable ballerinas! A spare pair in short, which can be stored discreetly and without taking up space. Decidedly, you are really a pro of heels!