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The abdominal electro-stimulation belt:pipe or not?

The promise.

The Slendertone Abs belt is an electro-stimulation belt (three electrodes are placed on it which send small electric shocks) which targets and tones all the muscles of the abdominal strap (i.e. the obliques and the rectus). Thanks to its sheathing action, the belt makes it possible to obtain a flatter and firmer stomach from 4 weeks. A 20-minute session of electro-stimulation with this Slendertone belt is equivalent to 120 abs.

Crash test.

The belt is equipped with a rechargeable remote control (you can do at least 6 to 7 sessions without recharging the battery). We stick the electrodes in the right places (as indicated on the instructions, our navel must be right in the middle of that of the center) and we scratch the belt around the waist. We then choose our level:10 programs are available with more or less strong intensities. To determine its level, refer to the instructions for use. As an occasional sportswoman, I initially chose level 5 and a power that I gradually increased. It doesn't have to be painful, but you have to feel the electrodes. You feel a little tingling, it's not super pleasant but the belt allows you to go about your business or work at the same time.

The second advantage of the Slendertone belt is that it can be used during a sporting activity. For example, during a fitness walking, yoga, or even gym session (provided you don't jump too much). All you have to do is choose one of the corresponding programs.


You have to keep in mind that this Slendertone belt does not work miracles:it stimulates the abdominals! If you do not eat a balanced diet and do not practice any sports activity, it is not worth investing. On the other hand, in support of sport and a correct diet, it helps to boost the results.

In passive mode (used every day for 20 minutes), I am not convinced by the effectiveness of the belt. On the other hand, I used it at every gym session in the morning and the aches the next day made me realize that its effectiveness was real. If I still don't look like Julie Ferrez – the coach of the stars, Slendertone muse – I nevertheless have more toned abs (I manage to do sheathing more easily for example), more quickly and without hurting myself. My abs can't be seen with the naked eye, I don't have chocolate bars! But my stomach is flatter, less "bloated" than before. I will therefore continue to use the belt, only during my gym exercises.

The Slendertone Abs Women's belt is sold for €179.80 in sports stores (Decathlon and Go Sports), in certain parapharmacies... The list of retailers can be found on the Slendertone website.