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Low self-esteem has a lot of influence on the lives of teenage girls

Low self-esteem has a lot of influence on the lives of teenage girls

Girls who are positive about their own bodies get more satisfaction from life and are more open to opportunities. That's why it's bad news that half of all teenage girls worldwide have a low self-esteem, according to research by Dove.

The pressure to like yourself is already high among girls who feel good about themselves (48%), but is even greater among girls with a negative self-image (74%). For many girls, they would rather be beautiful than get good grades.

80% of girls with low self-esteem avoid outdoor activities. What also appears to have a major influence are images of models. Most of those with a positive self-image still feel satisfied with themselves after seeing those images (78%). This is only 12% of girls with a low body esteem. A more diverse image of women in the media might help. 68% of respondents would like to see a more representative image of women in the media.

Low self-esteem has a lot of influence on the lives of teenage girls

As a mother, you may not always be aware of the influence you exert on your daughter's self-image. Research by Dove has already shown that women partly adopt their mother's self-image. Do you think your legs are too fat? Then there is a greater chance that your daughter will adopt that opinion about her legs. Time to spread a positive message.

The research is part of the Dove Self-Esteem Project, which contains all kinds of information and teaching materials. Dove gives girls and young women a positive self-image and self-confidence, so that they can get the best out of themselves. Over the past ten years, the Dove Self-Esteem Project has reached more than 20 million young people around the world. In 2020 this number will be 40 million. The project falls under the Dove Real Beauty Pledge, which promises to always show realistic, real women in campaigns based on the idea that beauty comes from self-confidence and not from insecurity.

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This is an advertorial in collaboration with Dove.