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Tips for making a good first impression before you speak

Tips for making a good first impression before you speak

You only have one chance to make a first impression. The first impression is actually formed before you have said anything. With these tips you ensure that you leave a good first impression.

1. Maintain good posture
Sit or stand upright. Make sure your abs are active. Good posture can even prevent back and neck complaints. Here we explain how to adopt good posture.

2. Don't forget the real first impression
Wait at the reception until your appointment comes to pick you up? Make sure you make a good impression there too. So do not slump in a chair, but adopt an active posture. Often there are (company) magazines at the reception, take the trouble to leaf through one of them.

3. Make eye contact
Make sure you make eye contact in a natural way. Constantly staring at someone can seem a little creepy. Many people automatically make sufficient eye contact. If you know that you often look away, you could consciously make a little extra eye contact.

4. Be aware of your tics
Do you fiddle with your face or your nails or do you always touch your hair when you are nervous? Try to control your tics. If you are holding a cup of tea or coffee, make sure you hold it at waist level. Holding the cup higher can feel like a barrier.