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Tips against dandruff

Tips against dandruff

“I suddenly got dandruff. What can I do about it?'

Drugstore Linda gives advice:

Dandruff is annoying, but fortunately it can't hurt. Why one person does suffer from dandruff and another does not, is related to the following factors:natural sebum production, the presence of yeasts and molds and the predisposition to dandruff.

Anti-dandruff shampoo Dandruff can generally be treated well with drugs from the drugstore. Shampoos are available that contain zinc pyrithione or selenium sulfide has been processed. These agents inhibit the production of sebum and the growth of yeasts that occur naturally on the scalp (so everyone has them). These shampoos also ensure that less flaking takes place. Wash the hair at least twice a week with the shampoo. More often is allowed, but preferably not every day because of the extra sebum production that could trigger. Leave the shampoo on for five to ten minutes and then rinse it out thoroughly.

When should I go to the doctor with dandruff?
If the above remedy does not have any results after a few weeks, it is better to visit your doctor. It is also a good idea to see a doctor if the skin is inflamed from scratching, if there is hair loss or if the flaking looks silvery and also occurs in other parts of the body. A doctor can shampoo with ketoconazole prescribe. This substance reduces the number of yeasts on the scalp, so that the scalp is less irritated and can recover. Shampoos with ketoconazole are suitable from 12 years. Consult with the doctor if you are pregnant.

Tips for improving your scalp
Tips to improve dandruff include turning the thermostat down. A higher temperature in the house causes a lower humidity, which is not conducive to dandruff. Between the anti-dandruff treatments, wash your hair with neutral shampoo and rinse the shampoo very well. Soap scum can cause irritation. Finally, I recommend taking advantage of sunny days. UV light has a beneficial effect on the scalp, so it is extra nice to take a walk. Good luck with the treatment!

Tips against dandruff
Who is Linda?

Linda is a certified druggist and works in a drugstore with the Certified Specialist in Self-Care quality mark, which is the quality mark for good advice on over-the-counter medicines. On you can find out which drugstores in your area have this quality mark and what you as a customer can expect from these drugstores.

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