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Tips against static hair

Tips against static hair

A side effect of the cold (winter) weather:your hair becomes statically charged much faster.

The reason that your hair is extra quickly static in the winter is the low humidity in the winter. As a result, there is more static electricity.

Read also: Why do you sometimes get an electric shock?

  1. Let your conditioner act a little longer after washing your hair.
  2. Do not dry your hair too hard. By rubbing, you can immediately charge your hair statically again.
  3. Use a drop of oil in the ends of your hair.
  4. Use a wooden comb rather than a plastic brush. If necessary, spray a little bit of hairspray over your hair to better control stubborn static hair.
  5. Run a dryer sheet over your hair.
  6. Try to avoid products with alcohol in them.
  7. Do not wear synthetic clothing, as this can cause your hair to become statically charged extra quickly.
  8. Improve the humidity in the house. Place a humidifier or place containers with water on the heating.