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Be happy with change

Be happy with change

Change is nothing to be afraid of, emphasizes journalist Stephanie Jansen in Santé this month. You can actually take advantage of it. We withheld these two wise lessons about change from our website.

This is how you come (and stay) in your power
These questions will help you on your way to discovering your strength and finding your way in the flow of life.

• What am I good at?
Know your talents and qualities and be realistic in expectations about yourself. You can distinguish between manifest, latent and semi-latent qualities. Manifesto:these are the sides in yourself that your environment sees and values. Sometimes you find them so ordinary that you don't recognize them anymore. Ask others about it. Latent:hidden qualities that you can develop. Semi-latent:qualities that you use selectively, for example because you do not always have room for them or take them yourself.

• Am I doing the right things?
You flourish if you can use your qualities as much as possible and feel maximum space to further develop your talents. So ask yourself:am I focusing my energy on the right things?

• What can I influence?
Not everything can be controlled. Feelings of frustration and powerlessness are guaranteed to take you out of your strength. So let go of what is beyond your control.

With both feet on the ground
To stand in your power you must be well grounded, in other words:stand firmly with both feet on the ground. This relaxation and visualization exercise will help you ground:

Sit in a chair and place your legs together with the soles of your feet flat on the floor. Rest your arms relaxed on your lap. Close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly. Find out where there is still tension in your body. Pay attention to the contact of your body with the chair and with the ground. Observe any thoughts that pass by, don't judge. Then bring your attention to your feet. Connect your feet to the earth in your mind, as if you were completely anchoring yourself in the earth. Imagine you are a tree and your roots stick deep into the ground. Send all the negative energy in yourself through this imaginary connection into the earth. Then suck positive energy up, through your feet and legs, from that same earth. Do this on every inhale and fill yourself completely with positive energy in your mind.

From page 42 in the October issue of Santé you can read the entire article about change.