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With these products you eat yourself beautifully

With these products you eat yourself beautifully

Eat these products and your skin will thank you. And what's also great:these beautiful makers are delicious too!


Contains a lot of vitamins C and E. These vitamins help protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun.


The high amount of vitamin C in oranges maintains the collagen in your skin. As a result, you will get wrinkles less quickly.

Read also: 'This breakfast is super good for your skin'

Lean red meat

Contains zinc, proteins and iron, helpful for burns and inflammation of your skin.


Full of beta-carotene. This is an antioxidant that, among other things, prevents skin aging. Eat carrots raw or stir-fry them, then they contain the most nutrients.

Fat fish with omega-3

The essential fatty acids support the supporting capacity of the skin. Omega-3 is one of the good fatty acids that you will find in fish species such as tuna, mackerel, sardine and salmon.


Not only are they rich in antioxidants, but they also have a laxative effect, so that waste products are removed faster.


With dot on one in the list of beauticians:water. The more water you drink, the more waste you remove and the healthier your skin looks.

Whole wheat

Contains the mineral selenium. This is good for your skin cells and prevents the formation of harmful substances in your body.


Rich in antioxidants, which absorb free radicals. Which gives your skin a boost.

Sweet potatoes

High in vitamin A and beta-carotene; the natural beauties that you find in expensive skin care products.


Possesses properties to increase the moisturizing capacity of your skin, which helps against skin aging. honeydew melon:this fruit contains (just like tomatoes) antioxidants. And that makes the skin glow very nicely.

Skimmed milk products

All milk products contain vitamin A, and by avoiding the fatty variants you only have the benefits.

Strawberries and berries

Are full of antioxidants and have a cleansing effect on your skin.


Rich in fatty acids, protein and fiber. As a result, walnuts protect your skin and keep it supple.