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Glowing skin? With these tips you are guaranteed to succeed

Your skin is the largest organ and also the organ that has to endure a lot. From make up to sun rays, the skin of your face is exposed to all kinds of influences every day. And you can see that in your skin. Do you want a glowing skin from now on? With these tips you are guaranteed to succeed.

The skin as an ideal beauty

Healthy skin is a true beauty ideal. Not surprising, because healthy skin ensures a young appearance and we all want to look younger. In addition, the skin is not only a beauty ideal, but you can read a lot about someone's health from the skin. For example, you can see whether there is a vitamin deficiency.

A radiant skin? With these tips you are guaranteed to succeed

Unfortunately, a lot of things go wrong in the care of the skin. Women use all kinds of products en masse, without realizing that here too the following applies:less is more. It is not always good to use a lot of products. In addition, products are often used that do not suit the skin type at all. Do you want a radiant skin? Then try it with the tips below.

The best care for your skin type

Your skin covers your entire body and has to endure a lot in different ways. This ensures that your skin is dry in one place, while some places become greasy quickly. Is this also the case with you? Then you have combination skin. In principle, you can distinguish five skin types:

  • Normal skin
  • Dry skin
  • Sensitive skin
  • Oily-blemished skin
  • Combination skin

Normal skin

If you have normal skin, then you have a lottery ticket. After all, you do not suffer from pimples or blackheads and your skin is not dry or oily. However, normal skin also requires good care with products for normal skin, which you can find at Obagi Nederland, among others. Using a nice cream every now and then ensures that your skin remains supple and hydrated.

Dry skin

You can recognize dry skin by the itching, a pulling feeling and sometimes also by flakes that become visible. Especially in the cold months of the year you can quickly see if you suffer from dry skin. Although you can't always do something about it, dry skin is more common in smokers, people who drink alcohol regularly and people who drink too little in general.

To change this, you need to drink enough (water). Eating water-rich vegetables and fruits also helps to restore the imbalance. For the care, choose products without alcohol and perfume. Creams that are nourishing and add moisture are a must. Think of olive oil, argan oil or grapeseed oil.

It is also advisable to add vitamin C serum to your beauty routine. Vitamin C stimulates the production of new collagen, while at the same time restoring and maintaining the moisture balance. Not only suitable for dry skin, but also oily or impure skin benefits greatly from this.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin reacts much more strongly to all kinds of external stimuli than other skin types. Incentives include UV radiation, perfume or the use of cosmetics. The skin reacts to this with redness and itching. For sensitive skin, proper skin care is a must. Do you suffer from sensitive skin? Then it is extra important to pay attention to the label when purchasing products. Preferably choose natural products to minimize the chance of a reaction.

Oily/impure skin

Do you regularly suffer from pimples or blackheads? Is your skin shiny in places like the forehead, nose and chin? Then there is a good chance that you suffer from oily and/or impure skin. With oily skin you suffer from increased sebum production. This ensures that even if you cleanse your skin, you will soon suffer from shiny/oily skin again. The pores under the layer of sebum are enlarged, causing pimples and blackheads. For this skin, use light products such as gels and serums and exfoliate your skin regularly. A good mask and steam bath are also a blessing for the skin.

Combination skin

Many people suffer from combination skin. This means that you should adjust your skin care accordingly. That can be quite difficult, which is why there are products on the market especially for combination skin. In any case, make sure that the dry spots are provided with sufficient moisture.

Tips for glowing skin

Once you know what skin type you have, you can take this into account when caring for it. Unfortunately, when it comes to skin care, inner care is overlooked by many people. Because that also determines whether you look younger or older than you are. A healthy lifestyle ensures fresh and radiant skin.

Sleep :Many people underestimate what sleep does to you. That also applies to your skin. Sufficient sleep is a must for a fresh look and glowing skin. Count on an average of 8 hours of sleep per night for healthy skin.

Drink water :proper hydration is important for your entire body, but especially your skin benefits. It doesn't matter what type of skin you have, drinking enough water is a must.

Stress :you will undoubtedly know that stress is not good for your body. Unfortunately, stress also leaves deep marks on your skin. So do you want to be extra kind to your skin? Then try to avoid stress as much as possible.

Vitamin D and sun Vitamin D is indispensable for the optimal functioning of our body. The best source of vitamin D is, of course, the sun. Unfortunately, the sun can also cause rapid aging of the skin. That is why it is important to take good care of your skin if it is exposed to the sun a lot. In autumn and winter it is advisable to take extra vitamin D. Not just for your skin, but your general health.

Smoking and alcohol :You may not realize it, but both smoking and alcohol have a significant impact on your skin. Smoking causes damage to cells, which leads to an increase in free radicals. In addition, collagen and elastin are damaged when you smoke. This causes wrinkles and sagging skin.

Alcohol causes a different fluid distribution and widens the blood vessels. This causes fluid retention in the face, especially around the eyes. In addition, it dries out the skin, making you more prone to wrinkles and pimples.

Oxygen :a large part of the oxygen uptake takes place via the lungs. But oxygen is also absorbed through your skin. That is why your skin has to be given room to breathe and that will not work if you cover your skin daily with a generous layer of make-up. Exercise regularly and make sure you are outside every day for fresh air, because that is also necessary for radiant skin.

Nutrition :it is sometimes said:you are what you eat. And somehow this is true. Although you may not expect it, your skin can say a lot about your diet. Fast food and foods rich in sugars are often the cause of impure skin. Rather focus on the following nutrients, vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Protein (0.8 grams of protein per kilogram when you are an adult) and protein
  • Healthy fats including Omega 3 and Omega 6

What are you doing to make your skin look radiant?