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Fake braces and crooked teeth

Fake braces and crooked teeth

In the Netherlands, braces are worn to get straight teeth. In Asia, there are two other special reasons to get braces:1. As a fashion accessory. 2. To skew straight teeth.

Say what?

The fake braces
In a number of Asian countries, the brace has become a status symbol. You can buy braces in different colors on the black market for $100. There are even different designs available, how about blocks on your teeth in the shape of Mickey Mouse?

The fake braces are not without risks. Some fake braces contain particles of lead, which is very dangerous. Parts can also come loose, causing you to suffocate in the brace.

Japanese canines
In Japan, a different trend has continued in recent years, the so-called crooked teeth † The canines are turned slightly outwards. It is seen as childish and cute, which men would find attractive. Too beautiful women would be easier to approach because of the crooked teeth. Don't want braces? You can also go to the dentist, who will stick pieces of fake tooth on your teeth.

Have you worn braces?