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New shoes? No, it is not…

New shoes? No, it is not…

A woman buys an average of 469 pairs of shoes in her lifetime. A survey by a shoe site among 900 women between the ages of 25 and 40 shows that 20% sometimes conceal the purchase of new shoes from their partner.

16% of these women are also not always honest about the purchase price of shoes.

It was also remarkable that almost 60% prefer not to buy shoes on sale. And more than 40% of women, after becoming a mother, cut back on shoes for themselves.

Prefer not to buy shoes online
Women want to be able to feel, touch and fit shoes. This is evident from the fact that 66% of the women surveyed prefer to buy shoes in a physical store than in an online store. Also, 59% prefer to orientate on shoes in a store than on the internet. Although the women who shop around on the internet are not a small group, 22%, the actual purchase of shoes online is preferred by only 4%.