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Women's problems

Women s problems

Almost three quarters of Dutch women suffer from vaginal discomfort. In addition, most women do not know how to prevent or treat this themselves.

For many Dutch women it is a recognizable and recurring problem; vaginal discomfort † Research by Health Square and Multi-Gyn showed that 72 percent of Dutch women had suffered from it in the past year. These include ailments such as itching, irritation, a burning sensation or unpleasant odorous or abnormal discharge.

Prevent and treat
For even 80 percent of women, vaginal discomfort is a recurring phenomenon , for which too little to the GP is gone. Few women look for a solution and many women are left with the inconveniences. Not a good sign, according to medical biologist Annelize Goedbloed. “Women would do well to discuss this. They are often also not aware that most complaints are easy to solve yourself ’” said Goodblood.

More about vaginal discharge and bacteria>

Listen to your body
The most common causes of vaginal discomfort are a bacterial infection (bacterial vaginosis) or a yeast infection (candida). In the vagina a large number of micro-organisms, bacteria and fungi live in a certain balance with each other. When this balance is disturbed one of these microorganisms can get the upper hand, resulting in a bacterial or fungal infection.

The inside of the vagina is basically kept clean itself. In some cases a helping hand is not an unnecessary luxury, for example during menstruation or after sex – which can disturb the vaginal environment. Individual sensitivities, condition, stress, a lack of hygiene and even physique can play a role in recurring complaints † Products that restore and maintain a healthy vaginal flora offer a simple and quick solution .