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Plaster on it?

Plaster on it?

QUESTION: A few weeks ago I bumped my middle toe quite a bit and my toenail partially came loose. It doesn't hurt at all, but I have no idea what to do with that now very loose nail. Remove completely? Cut as far as possible? A band-aid on it in the coming months?

ANSWER: “The bumping and then letting go or tearing of a toenail is a regular occurrence and unfortunately it is often done very lightly. It is certainly not a pretty sight in open shoes or during sports and it feels annoying or even painful. After all, the nail bed no longer has protection.

Gluing the nail yourself is the least sensible solution, because the glues available in the store are not made to repair the natural material of our nails. Partial cutting is possible, but this can easily make you snag something, which means that there is a chance that the nail will come loose even further.

My advice is therefore:go to a professional pedicure who also masters the nail styling profession. She can lay a gel or acrylic layer over the nail in a responsible way, so that it can grow again in peace. It is important that you regularly massage the cuticles of the toenails with a cuticle oil while wearing such an acrylic or gel layer.”

Anja Happé, director and technical advisor O.P.I. Netherlands