I show you today my technique to whiten teeth in just 1 day.
Yes, yes, you read that right in just 1 day!
In fact, it's the same natural trick I use to keep a bright smile every day.
Because teeth tend to yellow quickly because of coffee, tea, tobacco and sodas...
But no need to buy whitening kits to have white teeth quickly!
Just brush your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide . Watch:
- 3 tablespoons baking soda
- 1 capful of hydrogen peroxide
- bowl
- toothbrush
1. In the bowl, put the two ingredients.
2. Mix to obtain a paste.
3. Dip your toothbrush in the paste.
4. Brush your teeth as usual for 2 min.
5. Do this whitening treatment once or twice a week maximum.
And There you go ! You now know my technique to have white teeth in just 1 day :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
The results are visible from the 1st use and it's safe!
Gone are the tea or coffee stains that dull your smile in just 2-3 weeks of use.
This DIY remedy for whitening teeth is not to be used daily, but only 1 to 2 times a week maximum.
You can add a drop of mint essential oil to make your homemade whitening paste taste great.
Baking soda, with its grainy side, removes all the impurities from your teeth.
It cleanses the tooth and the gum, removing bad breath at the same time.
Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleaching agent. It bleaches the yellow traces on your teeth to make them disappear.
If you want my opinion, this is definitely the best solution I've ever tested to make guaranteed white teeth effortless and safe for enamel.