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“Fittea”:my 28-day detox cure

“Fittea”:my 28-day detox cure
Since the beginning of spring, I have been in “detox mode before summer” to regain better physical shape.

I boost myself to exercise regularly and on the food side, I have my little tricks to keep the line.
A big fan of “slimming” teas, I decided to try the famous Body Detox Tea treatment from FitTea.
The objective of this one? Give yourself 28 days to rid your body of toxins...

FitTea &my Parisian life

The advantage of teas containing ingredients with purifying properties?
They act to reduce water retention, which deflates the silhouette and creates a loss of cm.
So I integrated my FitTea cure in my daily life as a Parisian by balancing my diet as much as possible.
In the morning, to eliminate toxins , I start by drinking lime juice diluted in mineral water.
Then, I prepare my cup of Body Detox Day – FruitTea SuperFrui t.
This organic &natural blend is composed of Gunpowder green tea, pieces of strawberries, pomegranate seeds and nettle leaves.
The combination of these 4 antioxidants helps cleanse the digestive organs as soon as you wake up!
The taste is very pleasant, it's invigorating, a bit gourmet.
I then compose my breakfast of fresh fruits such as kiwi, grapefruit or grapes, rich in vitamins and trace elements &I add whole grains.

For lunch and dinner in this spring season, I rely on nutritious foods such as avocado, quinoa or nuts.
To look good, I think about regularly eating carrots or even spinach while limiting the consumption of refined sugar and meat.
The main thing is to reduce processed industrial products.
At home or when I go to a restaurant, I always find a healthy dish on the menu.

Before going to bed, I drink the caffeine-free Pure Night Detox herbal tea which contains moringa leaves, marigold flowers, pomegranate seeds and ginger.
It is perfect for promoting digestion and reducing bloating...

“Fittea”:my 28-day detox cure


After 28 days of the FitTea treatment, I think that the preparations bring real well-being to the body.
My figure is slimmer, more slender.
But to avoid disappointment if you want to lose weight during your program, here are my tips to remember:

1 / Drink a lemon juice when you wake up
2 / Replace cakes that are too sweet with a few cubes of candied ginger at teatime
3 / Do a 20 min / day weight training session or practice sport 2 to 3 times a week (45 min)

“Fittea”:my 28-day detox cure

Enjoy -15% off FITTEA with the promo code parisienne15
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