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Detox cure in pharmacy:good or bad idea?

Your New Year's resolutions don't include a little detox yet? You will surely add it to your list after reading this article! Discover in which situations a detoxifying cure is ideal and how to choose the most suitable solution according to the needs of your body. The Beauté Select team supports you in the development of your next treatment and details, at the same time, the particularities of the detox products available in pharmacies.

Why carry out a detox cure?

The end-of-year celebrations are often synonymous with excess of all kinds. Most of them are food, but it can also be excessive stress, smoking or even fatigue.

Faced with this, carrying out a detoxifying cure appears to be an excellent way to cleanse the body of all its toxins before the arrival of spring.

A detox cure can, in most cases, last 2 to 4 weeks and be repeated 2 to 3 times a year. It has two main effects:

● Eliminate sources of poisoning

● Stimulate elimination functions.

More simply, a good detoxifying cure stimulates cell renewal and helps cleanse the body by eliminating toxins. When the cure is over, you regain more energy and may even notice some physical changes (more radiant skin, silky hair, etc.). Morale is also often impacted:“a healthy mind in a healthy body”.

Why buy detox products in pharmacies?

Detox cures are in vogue and it can be difficult to choose your own among all those available in pharmacies, in stores or online. However, many products marketed with the mention “detox” have very little effect on the body.

It is therefore becoming increasingly important to know the specificities of a real detox cure in order to make the right choices.

By getting detoxifying products from the pharmacy nearest you, you can't go wrong! Pharmacies have a regulated activity and the products they market have a leaflet. When you go to a pharmacy, you can also be advised on site by a health professional.

You can therefore easily explain your problems, needs or desires so that a pharmacist or a pharmacy technician can inform you and offer you the most suitable detox cure(s). Thanks to their knowledge of the products, they will be able to answer all your questions. If you suffer from any pathology, do not forget to tell your pharmacist.

Different cures for different detox goals

There are different types of detox cures. You can choose yours according to your objectives or your desires of the moment. Since nothing prevents you from trying different kinds during the year!

The most famous detoxifying cures are the following:

● Consumption of specific foods (fruits, vegetables, raw foods, etc.)

● juice cure or any other liquids

● Food supplements

● Fasting

● consuming plants in different forms.

In case of doubt, it is extremely important to seek advice from a doctor before starting a detox cure, especially if the latter is not available in pharmacies.

If you opt for a detox cure sold in pharmacies, you can choose between different food supplements, teas, infusions and herbal remedies. Gentle and safe, the detoxifying cures offered in pharmacies are particularly suitable for the uninitiated. They also adapt to seasonality! You will therefore have no trouble finding the ideal detox cure to end the winter having regained all your energy.

Beauty products not to miss in pharmacies

Detox cures are not the only products you can find in pharmacies and parapharmacies. All the cosmetic products available online on the Beauté Select website are also available on site!

Take advantage of your next visit to the pharmacy to discover the universes, ranges and different products of our partner brands:

● RevitaLash® Cosmetics

● TanTowel

● Beverly Hills Formula

● V10 Plus

● Artis

If you decide to carry out a detox cure before spring in order to improve your skin texture… Opt for the V10 Plus brand face care. Used alongside your cure, they will help you regain hydrated and luminous skin.

Do you want to start a treatment specially designed for fine and thinning hair? In this case, also test the hair range of the RevitaLash® Cosmetics brand. Designed and formulated to cleanse the scalp and strengthen the hair fiber, it will fit perfectly into your detox cure.

For more discoveries and advice, go directly to the pharmacy or to our online store!