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Natural liver detox cure:how to do it?

Why do a detox cure? What is the liver detox cure ? The end of year celebrations are behind us and it's time to take care of our body. The objective of the detox cure is to eliminate toxins after the excesses of the holidays , notably by stimulating the liver which filters waste. The detox cure can be very beneficial provided you follow certain rules. Your diet to eliminate toxins should not lead to vitamin or other nutrient deficiencies. Did you know that food supplements can also help you with a liver detox cure? You will find organic and natural food supplements on the NUOO organic cosmetics website!

Why do a liver detox after the holidays?

The liver detox cure aims to purify this organ and allow the elimination of toxins from our body.

The liver is an essential organ in our body that performs a multitude of vital functions in our system. It is in the liver that fats and sugars are transformed and stored. The liver will manufacture blood proteins and will allow the degradation and elimination of toxins in the body.

The liver detox cure should allow the liver to regenerate and therefore ensure its proper functioning.

Liver detox after the holidays can be beneficial because during this period we consume a diet rich in sugars, alcohol. These are products that increase the work of the liver. To reduce its load, it is recommended to eat foods such as vegetables and fruits.

How to effectively cleanse your liver?

If you too want to cleanse your liver after the holiday season , several natural methods are at your disposal:diet based on vegetables and fruits, herbal teas, lemon juice, food supplements.

To clean your liver in a natural way , just avoid certain foods such as meat, foods with too much sugar or fat. Preference should be given to fruits and green vegetables to keep your liver healthy.

It also allows us to maintain our tone, eliminate fatigue, take care of our entire digestive system and also relieve other organs such as the kidneys or the gall bladder.

A natural liver detox cure is therefore quite possible!

How to naturally drain your liver for a successful detox cure?

Here is a list of plants, vegetables and fruits that are recommended to cleanse the liver naturally.

Liver detox cure:which fruits and vegetables?

  • Black radish juice (max 100ml/day),
  • Ginger:diuretic and anti-inflammatory,
  • Artichoke (in infusion),
  • Dandelion also in infusion,
  • Lemon juice to facilitate the breakdown of fats and their evacuation.

Natural liver detox cure:how to do it?

Note that lemon juice has diuretic effects which also stimulate the kidneys and contribute to the elimination of toxins from the body.

Idea liver detox cure based on lemon juice :to be done for 3 weeks. Without forgetting that the lemon provides vitamins and helps prevent fatigue.

  • Turmeric:to protect the liver and stimulate the liquid produced for the digestion of fats,
  • Beetroot:for the repair of liver cells due to its antioxidant properties, helps eliminate toxins thanks to pectin and betaine,
  • Milk thistle:a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, protects and helps regenerate the liver,
  • Carrots:who says carrots, says vitamin A and stimulation of bile production as well as a healthy liver,
  • Berries:raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, don't miss out! Thanks to antioxidants that the berries contain they are beneficial for the liver and the elimination of toxins.
  • Lemons yes, but also consider oranges, clementines, tangerines and grapefruits to prevent the oxidative damage that fats can cause to the liver,
  • Cabbage:aids digestion,
  • Asparagus for its diuretic and liver-draining properties,
  • Spinach:diuretic action;

What diet for a successful liver detox cure?

The key to a successful liver detox :a healthy and balanced diet, while favoring foods that are good for the health and the proper functioning of the liver.

The liver detox cure is less animal products:meat, dairy products, less sugar… and more vegetables and fruits. You can bet on soups, soups, salads. Forget frying and consider eating raw or cooked vegetables during your liver detox treatment. Also avoid consuming products that are already ready for consumption, take the time to cook.

For fruits:choose fruits containing a lot of water, fiber and antioxidants. Seasonal fruits are recommended.

And drink water all day long and in good quantity:daily hydration (water with or without lemon) must be sufficient. To be banned:alcohol, tea, coffee.

What drink to cleanse the liver?

At the end of the holidays, a mini detox can do a lot of good for the body! Here is a little recipe to detoxify your liver, simple and quick to make!

A detox drink


  • An organic lemon, sliced
  • sliced ​​ginger (peel first)
  • 1/8 teaspoon turmeric powder,
  • honey for those with a sweet tooth (optional).

Boil some water before adding all the ingredients.

Drink the drink for 3 days, in the morning on an empty stomach, to help the body recover.

Note :The combination of turmeric, lemon and ginger is ideal:turmeric provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, lemon detoxifies and facilitates transit and ginger strengthens the immune system. Turmeric is to be associated with 3 or 4 grains of black pepper to activate all its virtues! :)

Liver detox cure:why use food supplements?

We have just seen which plants, vegetables and fruits help purify and detoxify the liver .

You can create your own diet and get these plants and vegetables that you will combine for your meals for the duration of your detox cure .

food supplements are not mandatory but have the advantage of bringing together in their compositions several of the plants recommended for liver detoxification .

How long for the liver detox cure?

Depending on the nature of the chosen detox cure, you must be vigilant about its duration.

When you take a cure by reducing the consumption of a majority of food nutrients, the duration can be 4 to 8 days in order to allow the body to continue to function normally and without this being detrimental to it.

If the chosen detox cure is lighter in its formula, you can extend it for up to 15 days.

Finally, if you take food supplements that you associate with a balanced diet, often the duration is 28 days.

Do not forget to combine physical activity with your detox cure . This practice will allow you to reinforce the elimination of toxins through natural perspiration during exercises.

So ready to try?