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History and benefits of an organic cotton t-shirt in ethical and ecological fashion

For a few years now, there has been a general awareness on the part of men and women with regard to their consumption, but also of their ecological footprint, particularly in fashion. Indeed, we have all once been involved in fast-fashion, but it is not too late to change our mode of consumption and opt for ethical and ecological fashion , starting with the choice of organic cotton. As you know, cotton production has a very significant impact on current pollution. However, today there is a solution to keep the softness of cotton, without further polluting the planet.

The history of traditional cotton

Before telling you about organic cotton, it is important to know about traditional cotton . The one found in the big textile chains. Ecologically speaking, the textile industry is a disaster. Indeed, it is the second most polluting industry in the world, just behind oil. But then, why talk about cotton? Quite simply, because the cotton we all know represents no less than 40% of the world's clothing production .

Yet cotton is a natural material, shouldn't it be so harmful? In itself, this is not wrong, but the demand is so great that it is impossible to follow by opting for a normal culture while generating a profit.

To give you an idea, here are some figures:land cultivated for cotton production represents 2.5%, which is not huge, but it represents 10% of pesticides and 25% of insecticides used according to the WHO . In addition, among all these crops, 64% of them are genetically modified (GMO).

Added to this are other environmental disasters, including:

  • The high water consumption necessary for its production;
  • Imbalance in aquatic environments caused by toxic discharges (eutrophication);
  • Fossil fuels used;
  • Toxicological impact in humans

But fortunately, today there is a more environmentally friendly and credible alternative to produce ethical, ecological and sustainable clothing:organic cotton !

What is organic cotton in ethical fashion?

Choosing an organic cotton t-shirt at Fairytale, an ethical and ecological fashion eshop, is a thoughtful act full of common sense. Indeed, organic cotton is grown in harmony with nature , thanks to natural compost, which makes it possible to replace pesticides and chemical fertilizers. The latter is produced without GMOs and with reduced water consumption unlike conventional cotton production.

Indeed, an organic cotton t-shirt in ethical and organic fashion requires 100L of water, compared to 2700L of water for a simple cotton t-shirt.

The color treatment is also different. First, organic cotton is not bleached with chlorine, but with hydrogen peroxide . Then, for the dyes, they are scrupulously chosen to be free of carcinogens and heavy metals.

In addition, organic cotton is of higher quality, because the fiber is softer, thicker, more flexible and hypoallergenic . Ideal for children, people with sensitive skin, but also for anyone else who wants to reduce their ecological impact.

Discover the fairytale T-shirt collection to find your happiness that meets all these requirements.

What are the advantages of an organic cotton t-shirt in ethical and ecological fashion?

More natural, fairer and healthier, organic cotton offers many advantages:

Better environmental protection

This is the biggest advantage, because organic cotton respects the environment in particular, because its cultivation does not require any toxic product and does not deplete the soil . Thus, unlike traditional cotton cultivation, organic cotton does not harm animal species, no pesticides or insecticides are used and cultivation methods are environmentally friendly.

Reduced water consumption

As you may have read above, growing organic cotton requires only 100L of water compared to 2700L for ONE t-shirt! But why such a big difference? The reason is simple, organic soils are much richer, because no pesticides are used and the natural fertilizer allows better water retention. In addition, products used for conventional cotton need to be diluted with large amounts of water.

Limitation of negative health impacts and better working conditions for farmers

Numerous studies show that the handling of non-organic cotton has a negative impact on the health of farmers , but also inhabitants who live near the fields as detailed in this article. In addition, farmers do not always follow the precautions to be taken with toxic products, most of the time, because they do not have the means to protect themselves properly. Let's not forget either that the toxic products dumped in the ground reach drinking waterways, which causes serious health problems in poor regions.

As for organic cotton, it is grown without GMOs, in order to preserve the health of workers and populations, while offering them decent conditions and adequate equipment.

Better quality textile.

The organic cotton fibers used by Fairytale are particularly strong, robust and durable . Unlike classic cotton fibers which degrade over time.

To conclude

Ethical and eco-responsible fashion is starting to gain ground. This is the slow fashion movement! Organic cotton is an eco-responsible material that is increasingly popular in this sector in order to offer ethical and ecological clothing with a lesser impact on our environment.