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Showroom, pop-up store, vernissage, when the rental of spaces disrupts fashion

Do you have your own brand of clothing or jewelry? Do you have an online store? Are you a fashion designer or a recognized brand? Do you knowthe rental of space to develop your brand ? This new way of giving visibility to products and communicating about your brand is very popular.

Catwalks , showrooms , pop-up store , fashion is reinventing itself to offer many opportunities to promote its products in different commercial spaces. In a private apartment, a shopping center, a concept store in your city or in a sublime showroom, your future customers will be able to discover you in real your brand, and this, at a much lower cost than if you had rented a commercial space.How renting space works in the world of fashion ? Why rent spaces to develop your fashion brand ? We take stock of this new distribution channel which is a hit all over the world.

Renting space:a boon for developing your fashion brand

Boost your sales thanks to the pop-up store and the rental of space in shopping centers

Have you ever heard of pop-up shops ? This new generation store format has become a standard for a few years, especially in the world of fashion. Very trendy with fashion and beauty designers, the pop-up store (or ephemeral store) is a commercial space that is rents for a period ranging from a few days to a few weeks, or even from a few months to a few years. This could be a space in a busy mall, up-and-coming city boutique, or concept store. The concept is simple, you rent a corner or space for your brand where you can sell your merchandise while benefiting from the traffic of existing customers. If you are looking for a showroom in Paris or to find rental spaces near you, there are space rental platforms that allow you to connect brands and rental spaces. In a few minutes, you have a wide range of possible services among many rentals in your city.

The advantages of the pop-up store

To start a new collection , make your brand known, test a new line of your product range , all the reasons are good to test this type of ephemeral sale. The advantages are very numerous!

First of all, in pop-up retail sales, there is a real close relationship with customers . The latter can discover the product with their own eyes, touch it, try it and understand it differently than on online sales. A real plus for e-shops that do not have their own shops!

It's also a way to make yourself known and get people talking about your brand by reaching new customers in a trendy place in town (a place where you could not settle the rest of the year, due to lack of funding);

With the various rental packages available, substantial savings can be made on space rental. The costs are much lower than a commercial lease rental.

Finally, for customers, the ephemeral sale has something attractive and seductive. The phenomenon of scarcity linked to the sale that elapses over time attracts more customers to rush to buy and discover the brand.

Renting a showroom or private rental space

Another modern way to make yourself known is also to organize private sales in a showroom or a high-end private space . For example, you can book a nice apartment in the city, an unusual place with a terrace, etc. The idea is to welcome customers in a physical space to offer your products by invitation only.

It can also be collaboration with other brands. You can, for example, associate yourself with events such as fashion and beauty afternoons. The concept consists in inviting women to come and discover several workshops or brands around fashion and beauty. By collaborating with other brands, you will benefit from a greater clientele and visibility.

Organizing events

Fashion shows, openings, invitations from fashion and beauty influencers to get people talking about you on social networks, evening events are very important to develop your brand.

By renting a qualitative private space and inviting customers and prospects to come to a private event, you promote your brand and build customer loyalty.

These spaces can accommodate all kinds of events:the presentation of a new collection, the production of a fashion photo shoot to boost your brand, the organization of a fashion show , renting a space for Fashion Week, etc.

From a few hours to a day, there are many formulas and tailor-made spaces available (from a hundred euros only for certain places).

Knowing how to adapt to the times is essential to selling! Space rental is a real boon for brands lacking visibility. So, if this is your case, do not hesitate to ask for quotes. It costs nothing, but you could save a lot!

Cover photo credit @ Naumova Ekaterina /