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November Health Tips:Fighting Germs Effectively

It is a fact, although we are entitled to a thaw, we must expect sooner or later to see winter point the tip of its nose and with it the germs. As for me, I've already pulled out my anti-bacterial panoply and I'm waiting for the nasty colds with a firm footing. To avoid being caught off guard, here are some good things to do:

Healthy air for a healthy body

Since you have to start somewhere, simple actions, adopted now, will save you from future disappointments:

  • A scarf is always good for fresh air and to prevent the spread of disease. As the air is loaded with microbes, pollution and allergens, you can put a drop of oil in it. Essential Organic Eucalyptus which is extremely effective in clearing the airways, eliminating bacteria and will be perfect to fight against allergies .

  • At home, the air you breathe also needs to be renewed. So remember to ventilate the living rooms regularly and suppress dust . And to sanitize your interior, opt for a spray like the Olfactif Respir+ spray from Florame based on 8 ORGANIC essential oils. From its first use you will feel these benefits on your respiratory tract as well as the pleasure of its fresh scent. You can also sprinkle it on your bedding to reduce the proliferation of dust mites and on your clothes. Not only will it get rid of the musty smell on sweaters that haven't been worn for the last year, but it will scare away moths from your closets with the cedarwood essential oil it contains.

An adapted and proactive diet

Now that you're ready for the environment, you need to focus on your plate:

  • To restore your energy and energy, I recommend that you drink the juice of half a lemon every morning with a little water. If the taste is too harsh for your palate, add a teaspoon of Famille Mary Organic Linden Honey. This brand is great because everything they offer is based on bee products and I have already used several of their cosmetics which have made a good impression on me.

  • Juices, juices and more juices. Do not hesitate to make yourself pressed fruit juices such as clementines which will bring tone. Smoothies are also welcome. Take the opportunity to mix raspberries, kiwis, apples and grapes to fill up with vitality. And let's not forget the soups! The big advantage of ingesting liquid fruits and vegetables is that they will be assimilated more quickly by your body.

Find these products in the Bio BelleauNaturel Box for the month of November which helps you prepare well for winter.

Miss Ambrose