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The benefits of Autumn Fruits and Vegetables

Hello to everyone,
I hope you enjoyed the All Saints holidays! Now, after this disguised and very sweet weekend, it's time to get back on track with our good seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Why promote seasonal fruits and vegetables?

First of all, for their quality:they have more taste and are full of minerals and vitamins. They are therefore essential for our nutritional needs, especially during this time of year when we are more fragile. But also for their cost:seasonal vegetables and fruits are cheaper because there is no import tax. And for the planet:these transport savings are also oil savings, so it's only good for the environment and the local ecology!

What do I put on my plate in November?

For vegetables, enjoy beets, broccoli, carrots, celery, cabbage (Brussels sprouts, red cabbage, cauliflower), squash, endive, spinach, fennel, turnip, onion, parsnip, leek, potato, black radish, salsify or Jerusalem artichoke.
As for fruits, chestnuts, walnuts and pears are particularly highlighted, but also citrus fruits, pineapple, avocado, quince, date, fig, persimmon, kiwi , mango, papaya, apple and grape.

What do these vegetables and fruits bring us?

What good things, don't worry! We're going to look at squash, carrot, salsify, fennel, and leek.

- Pumpkins are rich in fiber and provitamin A (antioxidant). They also contain vitamins B2, B6, B9, C and K, iron, potassium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. All of these nutrients support the growth of bones, teeth, tissue repair, red blood cell formation, good vision, maintains healthy skin and protects against infections. You can cook the different types of squash in soup, puree, pie, soufflé, cake (even sweet). You have a choice! It's the essential food to have in your kitchen in the fall.

- Salsify is high in vitamins (C, B1, B2, B5 and B6) and minerals, such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium and manganese. It also contains inulin, a prebiotic that is not absorbed by the small intestine but will be fermented by the bacterial flora of the large intestine. It therefore contributes to the development of the good bacteria of the intestinal flora.

- The carrot is a very soft food when it is well cooked. And yes, we must not forget that it is one of the first vegetables given to babies. It is an excellent source of vitamin A and beta-carotene. It also contains vitamins C, E and B6. Carrot juice also works wonders since it alone provides vitamin B1, B2, K, phosphorus and potassium. The carrot also acts against cardiovascular diseases, against lung cancer and against cataracts. You will find at the end of the article a recipe for mashed carrot/butternut squash.

- Fennel acts on bone health and fights against hypertension and cholesterol. It contains antioxidants and polyacetylenes which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. It is a source of vitamin C, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, and has calming properties for digestive disorders. In the kitchen, you can eat it slightly crunchy by steaming it for about ten minutes. If you prefer it softer and tastier, braise it.

- Leek is an excellent source of antioxidants, but also of saponins, which act against cholesterol and have properties to fight against stomach and stomach cancers.
the intestine. It is also recognized for its diuretic benefits. On to fruit now. We will focus on chestnut, kiwi and pear.

- The chestnut is a fruit rich in minerals and trace elements. It has an interesting content of potassium, iron, magnesium and copper. It also contains fiber, monounsaturated fatty acids and vegetable proteins which would reduce cardiovascular disease. It is also used to produce gluten-free flour. You can easily make a chestnut flour cake, possibly replacing the cow's milk with hazelnut milk to enhance the taste.

- The kiwi is a source of antioxidants and is richer in vitamin C than any citrus fruit. It contains 98 mg per 100 g of fruit and therefore supports the immune system. It also acts
against constipation, water retention, it helps digestion and strengthens the bones thanks to copper, magnesium and potassium.

- The pear is a very good source of pectin which promotes the elimination of cholesterol. It also contains a lot of copper, vitamin C and potassium. It has a mild laxative action and therefore fights against constipation. It is also known to act against rheumatism, arthritis, hypertension, and to fight liver disease. Be careful though because it contains sorbitol and can cause gas, bloating or diarrhea.

In the kitchen, there is of course the eternal pear/chocolate tart, but if you want to experiment something else, you can try the recipe for vegan pear cake from Green Cuisine. Apparently it's worth the detour! As you can see, it's totally possible to refuel during this season!

And to give your dishes more flavor and bring you even more vitamins, minerals and trace elements, don't hesitate to add a few seeds to your preparations! You have a choice:Pumpkin, sunflower, flax, chia, sesame, poppy seeds...

As promised, here I share with you a recipe invented by my little hands:
Carrot and butternut squash purée with almond milk.
Ingredients (organic) for 2 people:

• 8 large carrots
• 1 part butternut squash (equivalent to half the carrots)
• +/- 25 cl of almond milk; I say approximately because I pour the milk by eye into the blender.
If it's too thick, add more.
• 2 tbsp hazelnut milk (optional)
• sesame seeds
Preperation :
1 Cut the carrots and squash into small dice
2 Put them in the steamer
3 Once cooked, pour them into the blender/mixer
4 Add the almond milk (and hazelnut milk)
5 Mix (and add milk if there is not enough)
6 Put your mash in a bowl and sprinkle some sesame seeds on it.
Enjoy your lunch !

Lily from Lilyseasons