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11 ways to use organic coconut oil

Coconut oil is extracted from the flesh of coconuts. It is always necessary to choose it of organic quality and cold extracted to benefit from all its benefits. Indeed, coconut oil naturally has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, smoothing and restorative properties that make it one of the stars of natural cosmetics... but not only! Follow the guide, and discover all its secrets!

Its texture: With a buttery texture at room temperature, it becomes liquid as soon as it gets too hot. Don't worry, this change in consistency will in no way diminish its many virtues. In butter texture, it is very pleasant to apply because it brings a creamier side than a liquid vegetable oil.

Smell: Its characteristic fragrance of paradise islands is delicious. A smell that gives it a rather greedy and cocooning side when using it.


Cosmetics, intimacy,...

1 / Fantastic Cleansing Oil:

What could be more effective than a greasy substance to remove all traces of makeup, even the most resistant waterproof?!

To do this, get a jar of coconut oil. With clean hands, take the dose of a walnut and apply it directly to the dry, made-up face. Perform a gentle, circular massage over the entire face and neck. For the eyes, use a make-up remover cotton disc with a little oil on it and gently remove your make-up with your eyes closed.

The fatty substance will come to remove not only the make-up, but also all the bacteria and pollution which will have saturated the skin throughout the day. Complete this make-up removal with warm water and soap to remove the oil soiled by make-up and impurities.

Results ?! You have a soft and completely clean skin!

2/ Nourishing and moisturizing care for the body:

It is perfect for softening and nourishing the skin after a shower or a bath while leaving the skin smelling delicious!

3/ As a lip balm: When it is at room temperature or at a temperature below 20°, it becomes more melting or even solid in texture. It then becomes a perfect lip balm.

4/ As a mouthwash: In India we talk a lot about "Oil Pulling" which aims to clean and absorb bad bacteria and microbes. A mouthwash with coconut oil, carried out as soon as you wake up before any food intake, will allow you to fight effectively against cavities, allow you to have whiter teeth and much more... In practice, nothing simpler:

take a heaped teaspoon of coconut oil (if it's room temperature) or a tablespoon (if it's in liquid form) and gargle, chew, suck on it to work the oil into all areas of the mouth. This mouthwash can last between 3 and 20 minutes for the bravest (knowing that the oil should not be swallowed). Finish by spitting out the oil which will have liquefied and loaded with microbes and bacteria. Then rinse your mouth with lukewarm or even slightly hot water.

5/ Make your homemade toothpaste with coconut oil: You may already know it, but the composition of toothpastes is not as healthy as is often imagined. It's quite the opposite. So why not try your hand at making an effective toothpaste that's inexpensive and kind to your teeth, your health, and your planet?!

Here's the recipe:Mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda. Add 2 drops of mint essential oil to freshen breath.

6/ Good hair care: Coconut oil in care, "oil bath" style, helps nourish the hair fiber. For practice, nothing could be simpler:on hair dampened with hot water (which will open the scales) apply coconut oil to the lengths and ends, avoiding the roots. Then wrap everything in a towel that you have previously heated on a towel warmer. You can keep this treatment for 20 to 40 minutes. Then proceed to shampoo.

Often depending on the shampoo used, two shampoos are needed to be sure to have removed all the oil.

7/ As an aftershave/depilation balm: Razor burn or after using the epilator… coconut oil will soothe, nourish and have a very pleasant anti-bacterial action.

8/ Best natural lubricant: Are you looking for a natural lubricant that allows you to have optimum lubrication, while avoiding irritation and infections such as mycosis or cystitis? Thanks to its smoothness, its gourmet smell and its antibacterial qualities, coconut oil is a panacea for ever more successful intimate moments. For this, before intercourse, apply a generous amount of coconut oil directly on the outside and inside of the vulva. Please note:unfortunately it is not suitable for lubrication with the wearing of a condom, which will make it porous and weakened.

9/ To reduce stretch marks: coconut oil, will help soften the skin, nourish it and will reduce and prevent stretch marks.

10/ For a successful manicure: Apply coconut oil in massage on the nail as well as the cuticles. Then let it sit for a few minutes. Then wash your hands with warm water and soap. Your nails will be beautiful and strengthened.

11/ As an after-sun treatment: After enjoying the sun, do not hesitate to come and massage yourself with coconut oil. This will bring a feeling of calm and calm the feeling of heat. Moreover, by the presence of vitamins A and E, it will have a positive action to prolong the tan.

Elodie Joy