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101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

Do you buy coconut oil?

But you still don't know how to use it on a daily basis?

Me, I buy 1 liter a month!

I absolutely use it for everything around the house... cook, for hair, to treat myself and a host of other things!

Here are 101 new uses for coconut oil you didn't even know . Watch:

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

1. Give it a boost

Eat a spoonful of pure or cooked coconut oil when you need an energy boost.

2. Exfoliates the skin

Use coconut oil as a base to make a good homemade scrub. Discover the recipe here.

3. Maintains wooden cutting boards

Maintain your wooden cutting boards by applying a coat of coconut oil to nourish the wood.

4. Revitalizes hair

Apply coconut oil to dry hair, and leave on for as long as possible:at least overnight. Then, shampoo in the morning. Check out the trick here.

5. Can be used as a hair gel

Put some coconut oil in your hands, and apply it to your hair like a classic gel. Your hairstyle will last all day. It is ideal for dry hair.

To discover: Inexpensive and Easy to Make! Homemade Hair Gel Recipe.

6. Moisturizes lips

Always keep a small jar of coconut oil with you in your purse to moisturize your lips at any time of the day.

To discover: The Natural Homemade Lip Balm Recipe.

7. Facilitates animal digestion

Add a spoonful of coconut oil to your dog or cat's food. It aids digestion and makes the coat shine.

8. Serves as cooking oil

Replace unhealthy vegetable oils in your cooking and baking with coconut oil.

9. Replaces frying oil

Replace soybean or canola oil with coconut oil to fry your food.

10. Serves as a deodorant

Put a small dab of coconut oil on your armpits to replace commercial deodorants. Check out the trick here.

11. Replaces shaving cream

Use coconut oil to shave instead of store-bought shaving cream. Discover the recipe here.

12. Moisturizes the skin in a bath

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

Add some coconut oil to your bath for a hydrating soak (and a few drops of peppermint essential oil, it's wonderful for an invigorating effect).

13. Deeply removes make-up

Use coconut oil as a makeup remover to remove makeup and deeply cleanse your skin.

14. Relieves irritated skin

Pass coconut oil on the skin to relieve chickenpox, shingles or other rashes or skin irritations such as eczema.

15. Fight against fungi and fungal infections

Treat foot fungus, ringworm or other fungal infections with coconut oil.

To discover: How to Get Rid of Foot Fungus in Just 3 Steps.

16. Promotes the absorption of vitamins

If you take vitamin capsules, take a spoonful of coconut oil at the same time to improve their distribution in the body.

17. Accelerates wound healing

Spread a thin layer of coconut oil on cuts or burns to speed up their healing.

18. Improves thyroid functions

You can take up to 5 tablespoons a day of coconut oil to improve thyroid function.

19. Add flavor to smoothies

Add a spoonful of coconut oil to your smoothies for extra flavor. But it is also excellent from a nutritional point of view.

20. Prevents the formation of fine lines and wrinkles

Put coconut oil on a cotton ball and pass it around the eyes to prevent wrinkles from forming. Coconut oil also acts on dark circles.

21. Cleans teeth

Coconut oil is used as a base for making toothpaste. Here is the recipe.

22. Replaces massage oil

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

No massage oil? Just grab some coconut oil and the good times are yours!

23. Treats diaper rash in babies

Baby has diaper rash? Massage the irritated area with coconut oil or put coconut oil directly into the diaper.

24. Reduces stretch marks

Want to erase stretch marks? Massage them with coconut oil every day. You can also prevent their appearance with the same method!

25. Heals nursing fissures

For breastfeeding moms, use coconut oil on nipples to prevent and relieve cracking.

26. Increases milk production

For breastfeeding mothers, consuming coconut oil regularly helps increase milk production. Take it from the last month of pregnancy to stimulate it.

27. Relieves insect bites

Apply coconut oil to wasp stings or other insect stings to soothe the itching sensation and heal the wound.

28. Treats intimate yeast infections

Women can use coconut oil to relieve intimate yeast infections, or vaginal dryness.

29. Improves digestion

Swallow a spoonful of coconut oil with each meal to improve digestion and make food slide better.

30. Prevents nosebleeds

If you are prone to nosebleeds, regularly coat the inside of your nostrils with coconut oil. It also works when you have an irritated nose during a cold.

31. Heals hemorrhoids

Apply a little coconut oil to the hemorrhoids to relieve them and speed up their healing.

32. Calms migraines

Coconut oil can help ease migraine pain, just massage your temples with it. It can even space them permanently. To do this, regularly consume coconut oil when cooking with it.

33. To make homemade Vicks Vaporub

I prefer to make my Vicks Vaporub myself, it avoids all harmful products. To do this, I use coconut oil as a base. Discover the recipe here.

34. Keeps garden pests away

Blended with essential oils of peppermint, lemon balm, rosemary or tea tree, it makes an excellent insecticide that protects your flowers from pests.

35. Peel off the labels

Mixed with baking soda, coconut oil removes stubborn labels by removing glue residue. Check out the trick here.

36. Detoxifies the body

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

Put coconut oil in your detox recipes. It helps to purify the body especially after a fast. Put 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil in water and drink this mixture in small quantities during the day.

37. Polishes metal

We can polish the metal and remove the traces of rust on the metals. But always do a small test on a small area before cleaning the entire object.

38. Cleans leather

Put a dab of coconut oil on a cloth and pass it over your leather objects:shoes, bags, sofa, armchairs, riding leather. The leathers will be nourished and hydrated naturally.

39. Cleans cast iron pans

Cleaning your cast iron pans with coconut oil removes residue without damaging the coating of the pan.

40. For healthier cooking

Use coconut oil for cooking your food, rather than other oils that support cooking much less.

41. Peel off the chewing gum

Do you have chewing gum stuck in your hair? Coat it with coconut oil to loosen and glide without cutting hair. It also works to remove chewing gum stuck under your shoes or on the carpet.

42. Removes rust

One of the most incredible uses is this one! Coconut oil helps remove rust. Instead of using harsh products like WD-40, simply coat the rusted surface, let it sit and clean.

43. Lubricates

Coconut oil can also be used as an intimate lubricant. But be careful, it is not at all compatible with latex!

44. Relieves heartburn

Take a spoonful of coconut oil to relieve heartburn, acid reflux, or indigestion pain. The pain subsides within minutes of taking coconut oil.

45. Improves dog's breath

Give your dog some coconut oil regularly to improve his breath.

46. Wax the furniture

Mix coconut oil with a tiny bit of fresh lemon juice and use this as a furniture polish (test a small area first to be sure your furniture can handle this).

47. Cook the popcorn

Mix coconut oil with butter and put this mixture on your popcorns for cooking.

48. Beautifies scars

Put coconut oil on red or swollen scars to smooth them out and make them less visible.

49. Strengthens the nails

Massage your nails and cuticles with coconut oil to strengthen them.

50. Gives chocolate flavor

To make chocolates or truffles, use coconut oil as a base.

To discover: Chocolate Truffles:The Simple Recipe To Impress Your Guests.

51. Boosts immune defenses

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

Take a few tablespoons of coconut oil each day to fortify overall immune functions.

52. Moisturizes the nostrils

Massage the inside of your nose with coconut oil to relieve the mucous membranes in case of runny nose, allergies, or irritation of the nostrils during colds.

53. Lubricates instrument strings

Do you play a string instrument? Lubricate the strings of your guitar or violin with coconut oil.

54. Calms muscle pain

Massage your sore or painful muscles after a hard day of sports, hiking or work.

55. Gets rid of plantar mycosis

Mix coconut oil with essential oil of oregano or tea tree oil to cure fungus infections on the feet.

56. Relieves colitis

Colitis is an inflammation of the intestinal mucous membranes. To relieve them, you can regularly consume coconut oil.

57. Cleans the mascara brush

The mascara brush should be cleaned regularly. For this, use coconut oil.

58. Fortifies eyelashes and eyebrows

Brush your eyelashes with coconut oil to strengthen them and stimulate their growth. It also works for eyelashes.

59. Heals acne

Swipe coconut oil on acne pimples to make pimples disappear.

60. Replaces butter

Put coconut oil on toast or on your toast instead of butter. It gives a nice little taste to the bread. And with a little cinnamon, it's great!

61. Heals canker sores

To quickly relieve and treat a canker sore, dab it with a cotton ball soaked in coconut oil.

62. Eliminate lice

In the event of a lice infestation, coat the hair with coconut oil to smother the lice and nits. It will be just a distant memory.

63. To cook food

Mix coconut oil with garlic and store in a jar. You will always have some on hand to cook and simmer all your dishes.

64. Makes baby wipes

Coconut oil is great for making your own homemade baby wipes as it gently moisturizes the skin. Discover the recipe here.

65. Heals warts

Put coconut oil on the warts to cure them and make them disappear.

66. Moisturizes the skin

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

Whip some coconut oil in your blender for a body moisturizer that will stay fluffy all the time.

67. Revitalizes colored hair

Coat your colored hair with coconut oil for an extra conditioning treatment. Do this regularly, about 2-3 times a month.

68. Hides imperfections

Mix coconut oil with nutmeg and apply to skin imperfections. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse. The imperfections will gradually disappear.

69. Soothes burns

Use coconut oil to soothe burns. Be careful, apply the oil only when the feeling of heat has disappeared. If you put the oil on a still hot burn, it will amplify the feeling of heat...and that's not what we want!

70. Flavor hot drinks

Stir a little coconut oil into your hot coffee or tea to give it a nice little taste.

71. Relieves tattoo pain

Calm the pain of a tattoo and help it set with coconut oil.

72. Reduces eczema flare-ups

Use coconut oil to control and reduce symptoms of eczema and/or psoriasis.

73. Eliminates dog dandruff

Massage your dog's skin to eliminate dandruff and soothe irritation.

74. For the dog's food

Add a spoonful of coconut oil to your dog's food to fight arthritis or prevent joint or ligament problems or digestion. It also helps to control its weight.

75. Eliminates fleas

Use coconut oil as a natural, non-toxic flea treatment.

76. Treats dermatitis

Apply coconut oil to soothe dermatitis "hot-spots" on your dog's skin. It also works for sweet itch in horses.

77. Reduces appetite

Take a tablespoon about 20 minutes before a meal to reduce appetite.

78. Treats oral thrush

Apply coconut oil to your tongue to treat oral thrush.

79. Tightens skin pores

Coconut oil tightens skin pores and smoothes fine lines and wrinkles. An economical anti-wrinkle!

80. Cleans brushes

Substitute chemicals like turpentine to remove oil paint residue from your hands and brushes.

81. Relieves sore throat

Take some coconut oil and let it drip down your throat to relieve sore throat.

82. Prepares for waxing

If you're epilating at home, prep your skin with coconut oil and rinse. Then, remove excess wax after waxing.

83. Treat ringworm

Cure ringworm by applying coconut oil on it.

84. As a base for making soap

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

Use coconut oil as a base for making homemade soap. Check out the trick here.

85. Relieves chapped lips

Make your own coconut oil lip balm. Discover the recipe here.

86. Cleans plastics in the car

Use coconut oil to clean the interior of your car. Put some coconut oil on a soft cloth and polish.

87. Treats otitis

Put a few drops of coconut oil in the ear at the first sign of infection.

88. Makes pasta tartar fluffy

Use coconut oil in baking instead of butter or Vegetaline. Especially for pastry and shortbread.

89. Lubricates the blades

Before cutting sticky foods (marshmallows, dates) oil your blades with coconut oil.

90. Cures herpes

Mix coconut oil with essential oil of oregano and apply the mixture at the first signs of herpes.

91. Avoid ingrown toenails

Massage the fingertips and toes to prevent ingrown toenails or soothe the pain if you already have an ingrown toenail.

92. Exfoliates the face

With oatmeal, cinnamon and coconut oil, you will have a soft and natural facial scrub.

93. Cleans pet ears

Dogs' and cats' ears get dirty...and itchy. To avoid this, pass a cotton ball soaked in coconut oil inside their ears.

94. Cleans mouthguards

If you're using a mouth guard or splint, run a thin layer of coconut oil over it to clean it. Leave on during the day and rinse before use. You can also put a thin layer of coconut oil on the case every morning to keep it clean.

95. Makes styes disappear

A stye on an eyelid can be treated by coating it with coconut oil and leaving it on overnight. Repeat the treatment if necessary the next day.

96. Removes lipstick stains

Do you have a lipstick stain on your rug or carpet? Use coconut oil to make it disappear, especially for purple or violet lipsticks.

97. Reduces intimate dryness

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

After menopause, women can suffer from intimate dryness. Coconut oil reduces this little problem in application.

98. Makes green plants shine

Use coconut oil on the leaves of green plants to make them shine. This avoids the spraying of chemicals in the house. Dab a small amount of coconut oil directly on the leaves with a soft cloth.

99. Avoid cat hairballs

Cats, while washing, swallow hairs which come out in the form of balls which they spit out. By giving some coconut oil, it could avoid this problem.

100. Relieves conjunctivitis

A few readers have told us that coconut oil really relieves conjunctivitis.

101. Moisturizes the udders of cows

Use coconut oil as an udder balm for dairy goats or cows before milking. It avoids cracks and chapping. Clean the udder, then apply coconut oil. Do the milking, and add coconut oil. It is not toxic if the animal nurses afterwards.

Precautions :coconut oil is not a medicine, if the symptoms persist, consult your doctor. Always test before full application to yourself or your pets.

Where to find coconut oil?

101 New Uses For Coconut Oil.

It is easily found in organic stores, supermarkets, but also online here for cheap.

Use unrefined coconut oil for a light fragrance, or refined oil if you prefer an almost fragrance-free oil.