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Bathroom essentials for a toned body

We are convinced that toning your body does not only require hours of sport. Well, of course it is important, because without work there is no result. So what we would like to do now is give you some additional tips to enhance your skin by giving it a firmer appearance. Let's go !

Bathroom essentials

for a toned body

The right plant in its shower gel

Even a shower gel can have a positive effect on the skin, if only by the hydration it brings to it. Moisturizing your skin properly allows it to gain suppleness. But what we strongly recommend is to choose one with the right properties. The benefits of patchouli, for example, are known to stimulate blood circulation and act on cellulite by fighting water retention.

Our extra tip:the intense patchouli organic shower gel by Florame.

Erase dead cells

If you're like us, you don't like wasting time. We may say that we must stay zen, in the morning we are always in a hurry! So for exfoliation, why not replace your shower mitt or flower with:
  • A loofah:this natural sponge made from squash fibers softens under water and lathers your shower gel at the same time.
  • A kessa glove:it is much softer on the skin which allows you to use it on the most sensitive areas. It can even make a good facial exfoliant and activate micro-circulation.
If you have a little more time, consider wetting your glove with baking soda.

Tone your skin in the bath

Do you have a bathtub and relaxation is sacred to you? No problem, we have something to satisfy you without changing your habits. Thanks to the Dead Sea salt which contains a huge amount of minerals, your skin will gain in firmness and its big advantage is that it will clean it up too! Add the desired amount to the bath water and relax, it will do the rest.

Cold water or...

Less pleasant, but just as effective, alternating cold and hot water on the body will firm the tissues and in addition it will wake you up when you are half asleep. Rest assured, in summer it should be easier. We can see that you are not convinced so why not the tonifying water jet ? This is the principle of thalassotherapy. Thanks to the pressure exerted by the water, the blood circulation is activated. Some shower models incorporate massaging jets on each side in addition to the shower head.
