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Full body scan for healthy people

Full body scan for healthy people

Have your body completely examined while you are healthy… It is possible that a full body scan will be allowed under certain conditions. What do you think?

It concerns a full body scan for healthy people, so that you can be screened preventively for diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Not yet banned
This form of research is still prohibited in the Netherlands. Thousands of people therefore travel abroad to be scanned. Minister Edith Schippers of Public Health has asked for advice about the body scan. Not every screening is helpful. If the body scan is allowed, criteria must therefore be drawn up that must be met.

Freedom of choice
GPs are afraid that people will feel unnecessarily patients; sometimes something is detected with a scan, but it turns out to be nothing serious. In addition, it provides false certainty, the result of a scan does not guarantee eternal health. According to the minister, it would be good for people's freedom of choice if the scan is allowed.

Are you for or against a full body scan for healthy people?