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Summer anti-wrinkle gestures

The sun is (finally) here, we take out the swimsuit and the sunglasses… A real treat! The only downside? Summer is the best season for accelerating skin aging. So enjoy the summer yes, but by implementing some anti-wrinkle gestures! How to protect yourself from the sun to prevent facial wrinkles? How to limit skin aging in the face of the sun? Here are all our tips.

Skin, sun, aging… what is the link?

We talked about it in our article on the effects of the sun on the skin, sun and wrinkles are intimately linked. So of course, the disposition of our skin to wrinkle varies according to the genetic heritage and the way of life of each one (polluted environment, stress, food too rich, tobacco, etc.).

However, in the face of the sun, our skins all react in the same way:UVA rays , rays that make up the spectrum of UV rays emitted by the sun, penetrate the skin deeply . These are the most invasive rays. By making their way to the dermis, they modify certain cells, and this, in an irreversible way. Results ? Appearance of new wrinkles on the face and body , more fragile and less supple skin, thickening of the tissue. This last point will also promote the formation of deep wrinkles. In short, what happiness!

Be aware, moreover, that in the long term, irrational exposure to the sun can be the cause of skin cancer. If the observation can be scary, we are all (despite everything) tempted to go for a tan to display a nice tanned complexion. Well, it's not incompatible! All you need to do is adopt a few good anti-wrinkle reflexes to protect your skin from sun-related aging .

Summer anti-wrinkle gestures

Prevent facial wrinkles with hydration

We repeat it over and over again:hydration is essential to the beauty and youthfulness of your skin . First, hydration gives the skin a soft, elastic appearance, it smoothes and evens out the complexion. Second, it provides immediate comfort. Third, performed daily, it helps prolong the tan (and that, we like). Finally, hydration strengthens the barrier which protects your skin from aggressions – called hydrolipidic film – and will increase the resistance of the skin tissue to the sun.

Hydration is therefore the first anti-wrinkle action to be implemented, in summer, but also throughout the rest of the year. Moisturize your skin morning and evening after cleansing. In case of sun exposure, do not hesitate to use a repairing moisturizer, such as our Pure Pulp Neo gel . Its soothing and restorative action will allow your skin to regenerate in the blink of an eye.

Applying sunscreen all summer long:the most effective anti-wrinkle treatment

We all have someone around us who is reluctant to sunscreen:"I don't wear it, I really want to tan this summer!" ". A common mistake, which can be costly. Not only does exposing yourself without protection promote skin aging , but also the appearance of sunburn. The crayfish red instead of the pretty golden complexion... Very little for you.

To prevent facial wrinkles , but also on the body, apply sunscreen every time you go out in the sun. Ideally, the protection index should evolve gradually. The first week, apply an SPF 30 to 50 cream, depending on your skin's sensitivity to the sun. Once your skin is slightly tanned, you can move towards a protection factor of 20 to 15, in order to promote tanning, without risking your health and the beauty of your skin.

In order to limit facial wrinkles, you can find both make-up and protective care, to facilitate your beauty treatment:in one gesture, your complexion is unified and your skin protected. Also, don't forget the fragile areas , like the lips. Apply a moisturizing balm with minimum SPF 15 every day.

As a reminder:sunscreen is only effective if applied in sufficiently thick layers, with a new layer every two hours and each time you go swimming.

Consume anti-wrinkle foods

Beauty is not only in the care, but also in your plate! For an effective anti-wrinkle diet, we advise you to combine foods rich in water (to promote internal hydration), and foods rich in antioxidants . And yes, antioxidants are a very effective anti-wrinkle weapon, since they will directly attack free radicals, responsible for skin aging. Add to that foods rich in beta-carotene to improve your skin's resistance to UV rays, but also to promote your tan.

To fill up with water, we turn to cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini. On the antioxidant side, bet on vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and cabbage. Oily fish and green tea are particularly rich in antioxidants. The salmon tartare is yours, and the little cup of tea after the meal! To fill up on beta-carotenes, put some color on your plate:carrots, mangoes, apricots, melons and sweet potatoes are full of it.

Expose yourself sensibly to prevent facial wrinkles

The best anti-wrinkle gesture you can put in place is to expose yourself in a reasoned way. This means, above all, to not expose yourself to the hours when the sun is highest (noon and early afternoon). Sunscreen is a must, as well as a hat and sunglasses. Finally, limit exposure, to give your skin time to regenerate .

For example, allow yourself an afternoon tan every other day only, or expose yourself for short periods of time (no more than two hours a day). Between your beach or pool outings, choose clothes that cover the skin, favoring loose clothes in natural and light materials, to let the skin breathe and limit friction. It is only by exposing yourself in a limited way that you will be able to enjoy a serene summer, without sunburn, without risks for your health, and above all... Without new wrinkles!