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Upside down bikini:the stunning new trend that is making Instagram very hot

We stop everything! We found THE new trend that will punctuate girls' summer holidays and make boys sweat:the upside down bikini.

After the Instagram fashion of the “Migraine pose “Now discover the crazy new trend that aims to put your bikini… upside down. You do not believe in it ? Neither did we until we saw this fad go viral on Instagram.

Watch your eyes!

Each year, the summer periods bring their share of more eccentric trends than the other. The new passion of Instagrammers is called “the upside down bikini”. The goal ? Tie your swimsuit inside out, yes yes. To do this, get a triangle-shaped swimsuit, then tie the neck straps on the top of your girlfriend's chest, and let her cleavage show:effects guaranteed! This new clothing style allows you to better reveal the chest thanks to a small push-up effect. We owe this trend to model Valentina Fradegrada, who wanted to wear her swimsuit differently so as not to have the traces of tan on the straps. Thanks to her, this new style has made the rounds of social networks. For the curious, an Instagram account followed by 29,000 followers lists all the photos of models who have succumbed to the upside down bikini.

French beaches are not immune to being invaded by this stunning fashion.