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TshirtOS, the t-shirt connected to the Internet

What if a simple t-shirt could take pictures, play music or surf Facebook? How come it's not possible?
TshirtOS, the t-shirt connected to the Internet TshirtOS is not a t-shirt like the others, and for good reason:after the capable t-shirt to recharge your Smartphone, here is the very first garment capable of connecting to the Internet via a Smartphone. Created by the famous Whiskey brand Ballantine's and the company CuteCircuit, it has an LED screen and includes a camera, microphone, speakers, and even an accelerometer. The icing on the cake:100% cotton, this ultra "trendy" T-shirt is machine washable. In short, a real computer-textile stuffed with technology that displays in real time your emails, tweets, Facebook messages, photos and even playlist to listen to your favorite songs. Never has the word "laptop" taken on so much meaning... For now, the TshirtOS is only at the prototype stage, but rest assured:this smart t-shirt should soon be on the market.