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Self love:learning to love yourself

Keep one thing in mind:the only person with whom you are sure to share your daily life, and this for your whole life, is yourself.

So wouldn't it be time to love each other ? And love each other completely! Not only its qualities, also its faults.

Easier said than done, you would say. But you will take extra pride in it!

It is true that learning to love yourself can take several months or even years to complete. But know it, the hardest thing is not to get there, it's rather to become aware of it and to want it!

On the occasion of our week under the sign of Self Love at NUOO, we wanted to share with you some tips, which could be the beginning of your Self Love Journey to achieve a peaceful relationship between you...and yourself!

Self love:learning to love yourself


Self-Love is simply what is called self-love in the language of Molière. Nothing to do with egocentrism:it's about loving yourself, without comparison with those around you, without trying to be better than others, without denigrating yourself in front of people who would like to make you feel inferior.

The motto of Self Love could then be:"love yourself"! Be careful, this does not mean that you have to completely hide the people who are close to you. They are an integral part of your life and can even represent real pillars to accompany you in the acceptance of yourself . The idea is to find a compromise between your own happiness and your altruism. Do what you love and that makes you feel good, while respecting the freedom of others.


Self love:learning to love yourself

Loving yourself is first learning to listen to yourself . Your body carries you every day and takes you where you want to go:give it breaks and pamper it, for example during self-massage sessions with vegetable butters, or take a bath by diffusing a essential oil that soothes you!

Take the time to inspect your skin and give it the care it needs. Cook good food, drink a good tea, it will do your body as much good as it does your mind;)


If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will.

So it's time to take action with very simple exercises to integrate into your daily routine:

  • Smile more! To your baker, to the people you meet in the street... this exercise will have the virtues of giving you good vibes and self-confidence ! This is the very principle of the Coué Method:the more you smile, the happier you will feel. And if you feel like you're being ridiculous, think of the opposite situation:have you ever found someone smiling ridiculous?
  • Make a list of your qualities , and accept them! Make a list of your flaws as well, and decide whether to accept them or work on changing that part of yourself. Be careful though not to be too hard on yourself.
  • Love your body! Discover what body positive is, in other words the art of loving yourself!
  • “To err is human”:remember a situation in which you failed, and find 3 positive lessons that you can/that you have learned from it!
  • At the end of each week, take the time to list your successes , you will see that there are more of them than you might have thought.
  • Celebrate your victories! You deserve it.


We all have a cause close to our hearts! So there's no time to put off your commitment until tomorrow. Take things head on:change your bad habits, find out about the associations that exist in your neighborhood, or find a way to get involved from a distance. By taking a step towards others , we also take a step towards ourselves, and the effects are ONLY positive:we help others and we help ourselves . We have the feeling of contributing to things moving in a direction that seems more logical to us, and we also often meet great people. And by surrounding yourself with people who are in the same spirit of helping others, you will find that you will accumulate enough positive vibes to feel better.

It's up to you!


Having projects means planting seeds today that we will see germinate tomorrow. Is there anything more rewarding and satisfying than achieving the goals you set for yourself, and enjoying the fruits of your labor? Thus, having projects means being able to apprehend the future with optimism and determination . It's getting up in the morning with a dose of good humor and living each present moment in a more positive way.

Self love:learning to love yourself

Having plans is not just about organizing a trip to the other side of the world, buying a house or adopting a cat. It's also:getting into gardening, redecorating a part of your apartment, learning to cook Indian dishes, starting a great book or even starting a new morning routine based on yoga... It's just about some examples, but feel free to get into any project you like !
The simple idea of ​​setting a goal in mind will give you that little boost that you may sometimes miss during the day.

Having projects is within anyone's reach. You just have to want it!


When we talk about self-esteem, we often tend to think that you have to focus entirely on yourself, without paying attention to the outside world. There is a grain of truth here:Self Love depends on your ability to not let yourself be overwhelmed by criticism , comparisons or social injunctions. This is all the more true in these times when social media can take a toll on your self-esteem.

However, real life necessarily involves social relationships, whether at work, with family, with friends, etc. The key to Self Love is also to use the remarks made to you wisely, it is to detect benevolence in words, it is elevate yourself by sharing with the people you love. You will also find that complimenting other people or organizing a pleasant moment for your companion on Valentine's Day can, for example, do you a lot of good!