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Coloring:9 tips to revive your blonde and maintain it well

If we love blonde hair, they are no less complicated to maintain. Indeed, the sun, but also the sea or the swimming pool, can damage the color , which will then take on coppery, orange, and even yellow highlights... Whether it's your natural color or whether you have a platinum color, an ash blond or a Californian blond , you have to take care of your mane and give it regular maintenance, if you want to keep a dazzling tint.

How to revive your blonde?

Colored or bleached blonde hair must stay hydrated to retain its shine. To nourish them daily, you can use a dedicated shampoo for blond hair , which will preserve and revive the color. We then think of purple shampoos, which work very well to neutralize dubious reflections , and wake up your tint in the blink of an eye!

How to take care of blonde hair in the summer?

During the summer, your blonde can be damaged, especially by UV rays, sea water and chlorine. To avoid this, protect yourself by wearing hats or scarves. You can also use a protective serum before bathing. This product will create a barrier between chlorine or salt water and your mane. Finally, remember to always rinse your hair with clean water after a swim, you will thus eliminate residues and keep shiny blond hair, without any reflections.

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