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Hair straightener:3 tips for straightening long hair

1st tip:prepare your hair well

The longer your hair, the more complicated straightening can be. It is important to take care of your hair and use the right hair products. Better to bet on the quality of the straightener, especially if you have a thick and curly nature. So invest in a top-of-the-range model that won't damage your hair, and choose the thermostat regulation option. For those with a curly mane, take a titanium model. Then choose the right size. For long wavy hair, take wide plates. For finer hair, a medium size will suffice. Be careful not to choose a straightener that is too heavy. When you wash your hair, use a mild shampoo, and apply a smoothing conditioner. Then dry your lengths with a towel, then apply a moisturizing and protective serum. Finally, use your hair dryer with cold air to limit the impact of heat.

2nd tip:smooth as you go

To have a homogeneous hairstyle without marks and an impeccable result, you have to be organized. Even more so if you have long hair! To smooth all the locks, separate your hair into several parts:separate your hair in two at the level of your line, then in four between the front and the back. Hook the upper part with crocodile clips on the top of your head. Be careful not to choose too high a temperature, especially if you have a fine hair fiber. Conversely, if you have a long, wavy mane, you can turn up the thermostat. The goal is to find the right temperature so that you only have one pass to do. Start by smoothing the locks of the lower part always from top to bottom:from the root to the tips. To avoid damaging your locks, you only need to use the straightener once. Once this work is done, you can apply a serum to the ends to nourish them, or a light moisturizer.

3rd tip:use care adapted to your hair

The idea is to adapt your care to the nature of your hair, especially if you have long hair. Sometimes the flat iron tends to flatten a cut. To overcome this "sticky" feeling, you can apply a volumizing treatment to boost flat hair. It will bring tone and vigor to the whole. If you are prone to frizz, also consider investing in anti-frizz care. Rain or humidity will no longer be your worst enemies! Be careful though, read the labels carefully. It is not recommended to apply silicone-based products. Finally, for those in a hurry, it is possible to straighten your hair the day before. In the morning, do a few quick touch-ups to have a flawless hairstyle!