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I want bangs but...

Will bangs look good on me?

Let it be said:there are as many shapes of bangs as there are faces. There's bound to be one for us! It's good to arrive at the hairdresser with photos of looks that we like. But above all, we choose a hairdresser and we ask his advice before the cut.

Good to know:the straight and thick bangs work well on a round face. If it is longer, we opt instead for a wick on the side. Thin hair ? The trick to not having sparse bangs is to start the bangs high enough on the forehead and ask for them rather long. On the contrary, thick hair can afford to start the bangs lower.

How to maintain bangs yourself?

When you always go to the same hairdresser, in general, the fringe cut alone is very inexpensive (count 5€ at Jean-Louis David for example) or even free. But if you're lazy, you can cut it yourself (because, yes, bangs grow very quickly:about 3 to 4 weeks and you'll have it in your eyes). There is a super practical little tool that guides us to cut it. Like a DIY level, it lets you know if you are cutting straight or not.

Kit Creaclip, 19.95€

But with a little practice, you can do without it. Keep in mind that you have to cut on dry hair, without pulling (to avoid unpleasant surprises!). Hold the scissors vertically and cut little by little, following the line of the eyebrows.

If you are comfortable with your hairdresser, you can even ask him for advice for the next time.

If I want to let it grow back, how do I style it?

Having bangs gives you style right away, but it's true, it's restrictive:it grows back quickly, you have to wash it daily, it hides half of your face, keeps you warm in the summer... So if you want to let your bangs grow, no secret, you have to be patient at first. When it reaches the level of the cheekbones, we go back to see our hairdresser who will thin it out so that it blends better with our hair. We can then go back to it when it reaches under the jawline to rebalance the cut.

During this time, we are doubling up on tips for styling it:headband, bobby pins, high buns, African braid... we play with hairstyles to help us wait.