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Perfect complexion:our 7 favorite anti-blemish patches to get rid of pimples

Acne, as normal as it is, often ruins our lives. When you see a button , we only see that. Even if no one else sees it. When we feel it coming or when it has settled comfortably on our skin , all means are good to drive it out . All night toothpaste, tea-tree essential oil , lotions of all kinds, masks or food supplements:everything is good to try to eradicate this ugly pimple just before your date with your new crush . But have you ever thought about anti-blemish patches? They are sold in batches and promise to get rid of our pimples in the blink of an eye. .

Patches to eradicate pimples!

Using them is child's play. Just place the patch directly on the button when it is already there or when you feel it is about to appear. It is advisable to apply it in the evening, so that the product released by the patch acts at night . If you are teleworking, you can obviously apply it as soon as you wake up. In general, the patches contain salicylic acid or tea tree oil. These products are intended for people who have pimples from time to time but do not correspond to acne sufferers. Their prices are generally very low and they are very easy to find. To try them is to adopt them. Here is our selection of anti-imperfections patches that we adore.

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