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The “Golden Minute”:the hydration secret of the stars to have perfect skin

It was until then a secret that only Hollywood stars had the privilege of knowing, but Renée Rouleau, alias "Madame healthy skin" across the Atlantic, decided to share it with as many people as possible in an interview with the UK edition of Cosmopolitan .

A beauty secret that this expert in skin care who combines the hats of dermatologist and beautician , dubbed the "Golden Minute". So késako?

Act"before moisture evaporation occurs"

She explains:“After washing your face and toweling off, your bare skin is more vulnerable to dehydration by a process called ‘osmosis’. You have a short time of 60 seconds before moisture evaporation occurs."

And it is therefore during this minute that you must apply your facial treatment so that their effectiveness is optimal because after this time, the skin begins to dehydrate and its absorption power will be less.

Favor a tonic treatment

To Renée Rouleau to add that it is advisable to apply in this short interval of 60 seconds a tonic lotion, adequate to give again to drink to the thirsty cells of the epidermis. A tonic treatment that also gets rid of limescale and/or chlorine residues present in running water.

And to insist on the fact that “the cells of our skin are like fish:they require water to live. Without it, skin health is compromised” . After that, all you have to do is apply your favorite cream or oil and the day can begin.

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