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We met Fauve Hautot, heroine of the Kiehl’s #5minPourVotrePeau campaign

What made you want to collaborate with Kiehl's?

I first met the team because I only work with people I get on well with, I need to have this very natural contact. I was able to rediscover products that I already knew, and the good atmosphere allows us all to spend very pleasant days.

Which products are part of your beautiful skin routine?

I'm not the type to spend three hours in the bathroom, it has to go quickly. In the shower, I use the
Calendula Deep Cleansing Facial Cleansing Gel, and I have my three essentials on the nightstand:the
Vitamin C Anti-Wrinkle Concentrate, the
moisturizing eye contour with avocado oil, and the
ultra facial face cream, which can be applied morning and evening. My favorite product is the
white clay mask, which gives my skin such a glow that I feel like I've slept for 12 hours!

Do you have any make-up favourites?

The Graftobian glamor cream palette, which I use both in everyday life and for professional events, it is perfect for illuminating the face. My foundation is a very light Guerlain, which I mainly apply to the cheeks. For the mouth, I really like matte lipsticks, which I just associate with mascara. And that's enough!

How do you take care of your hair?

With Kérastase products. Kérastase forever! (Laughs). I also feed them with castor oil, coconut oil, and I color without ammonia. This is essential to keep them healthy when some evenings they are styled with hot plates, curling irons, etc. So I opt for as natural as possible.

Can you tell us more about your red color?

I have always been drawn to copper tones. I still had electric red hair for a while, then I went to brown. But the result was a bit dull, so I naturally went back to the color of the sun.

For a campaign that talks about the "urban jungle", your first name is adequate. Where is he from ?

My parents are a bit special, but super cool! (Laughs). My father saw an American TV movie called Legacy of Love , and one of the characters, a painter, has a baby he calls Fauve. So my father decided to call me Fauve… Thank you dad! And the weirdest thing is that the little girl in question was red-haired too! I'm happy with my first name, I think it sticks well to my skin... Except that I don't bite, so that's fine! (Laughs).

You live at 100 per hour. What are your rest days like?

They are pretty rare, but there are two options:either I stay in my pajamas, have lunch with a burger and watch a movie, or I wake up quite early, clean up and plan an outing.

How do you view your meteoric rise?

I believe I have a lucky star. I've had the chance to do a job that I've enjoyed since I was a child, and it's not given to everyone. It's a lot of work, I don't really have any free time but it's a personal choice, simply because I love what I do. I always need to be active, need adrenaline and I always want more. It's my way of being constantly stimulated, otherwise I'll get bored quickly!

Can you tell us about Saturday Night Live, the musical show you starred in?

The adventure ended on April 30, 2017, after 68 dates in Paris. I didn't really know where I was setting foot, but I was convinced that the work of director Stéphane Jarny was going to live up to his previous projects [he signed the choreographies of À la Recherche de la Nouvelle Star, The Voice, and spoke on the Disco show, editor's note] . It's a super cool and invigorating adventure, thanks to which I was able to play a little comedy, and I loved it. There was a very good reception, and we're going on a tour at the start of the school year, so I'm very happy.

Did you grow up listening to the Bee Gees?

My parents had the vinyl, so I kind of grew up with them. However I don't listen to the band at home, I'm more like Jimmy Hendrix! But the show's soundtrack is phenomenal, each title is legendary and we all know them by heart. That's why I agreed to participate in the project, in a way I said yes with headphones on. I thought, "Wow, I'm going to dance to this every night… No problem! .

Find the
#5MinPourVotrePeau campaign here!