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Wool, silk, linen… how to care for your clothes

When we love, we want it to last. We therefore do everything to preserve the relationship with our little silk dress so crisp that we would like to wear it every day. Well almost every day since we like (fortunately) to indulge her with our linen pants, with our wool sweater, in short, everything else in our wardrobe.

Here are some tips for managing all this little world.


Well, this advice is weird but it seems to work, according to the grandmothers:the more you wash a woolen item when it is new, the less it pills. So we wash them regularly at first and then less and less. In any case, the wool is washed by hand or cold in the machine and without spinning. Moreover, we do not iron it.


When you make a stain on linen, you treat it with Marseille soap. When you put it in the machine, avoid strong spins. And in summer, we do not dry it in the sun because it may stiffen.


The silk is washed by hand in lukewarm water with Marseille soap detergent. We do not let it soak and we add a drop of white vinegar in the rinsing water.


Already, we avoid going out with it when it rains! Otherwise, for cleaning, you can use a… white eraser! In the event of a stain, put soil from Sommière, flour or even talc! We sprinkle, we let dry and we brush.

Canvas accessories

We clean our shoes and canvas bags by hand with Marseille soap and a brush. If they are really very dirty, then you can immerse them for a few hours in a basin of hot water in which you will have added shavings of Marseille soap, before rubbing then rinsing.

Read also:Chocolate, blood… for each stain, a natural solution