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Benedict Cumberbatch on our leggings:the new fashion for this summer?

His name is almost unpronounceable, and you prefer to call him Sherlock Holmes:we are talking about Benedict Cumberbatch. With his angelic face and gray blue eyes, the one who plays the famous private detective in the BBC series Sherlock Holmes has been making an impact on the small screen since 2010. He also plays the villain with the pointy ears in the film Star Trek Into Darkness, and lends his voice to the Lord of the Rings dragon, Sauron. A bit mysterious, Benedict Cumberbatch has enough to titillate the fairer sex, who define themselves as "Cumberbitches".

The Cumberbitch fashion faux pas

The icing on the cake:the new Hollywood darling is so popular that the American brand Propageous has launched the Cumberbitch leggings, leggings completely covered in his photos. The opportunity for some groupies to soak up the sexy Sherlock Holmes. On the buttocks, the thighs, it will be everywhere! But be careful, Cristina Cordula says it:“Leggings are a fashion faux pas, my darling! ". So, between a Sherlock Holmes on the legs and the old-fashioned tight leggings, you have to make the right choice.

Marion Ristor