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Fashion:a successful clothing makeover

Fashion makeover:determine the clothes you like

Makeover professional, friend, family or companion:in all cases, we opt for the presence of a third-party perspective capable of telling us our fashion truths without concession. We gain momentum, and we go! What style do you secretly dream of adopting, and how is your current style perceived? How would you describe yourself, and how do others describe you? If you hide the soul of a rebel under a look of a businesswoman, no doubt it is possible to adapt your wardrobe to go to the office... Be equally honest about your body:which parts would you like? accentuate you? Conceal?

Fashion makeover:choose clothes that suit you

You have defined your fashion desires, it remains to confront them with reality… which rarely corresponds. A successful makeover, unfortunately, necessarily takes into account the basics to respect! Are your waist thin? High and belted waists will benefit you. Are your hips wide? Balance the silhouette by emphasizing the shoulders. Likewise, some colors make you look better than others. Alternate different shades of scarves near your face:your complexion and your gaze react differently, alternately off or illuminated. Needless to say, illuminated is better.

Fashion makeover:priority to accessories

With accessories, there are no limits:forget the constraints of makeovers and unleash your sense of fashion! Did you dream of leather clothes before seeing yourself in them? Ditch the leggings, but go for the fringed bag, the biker boots or the thick belt. Did you imagine a colorful wardrobe before seeing the wonders of the little black dress? Compensate with an accumulation of charms, add a straw hat and a colorful scarf!