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A stretchy dress to survive the crowd

Tired of being pushed around in the street? Designer Kathleen McDermott too! So, she invented an urban riding habit dress, called "Urban Armor", which made us... die of laughter.

Looking at this dress in the photo, we find it rather pretty. But from there to imagine walking in the street wearing the shape of a badly closed umbrella... No, certainly not! People might look back on our way wondering what kind of stupid bet we could have lost.

Already, just to visualize the scene, we smile. Now imagine someone is getting a little too close to you. Remember the scene in Jurrassic Park where a dinosaur pops its wriggling frills out like a rattlesnake's tail, before devouring the villainous DNA thief in his wrecked car? Well there, thanks to small sensors placed on the dress, it's the same (but more ridiculous):

Not sure that the short distance is enough to keep away a serial flirt... On the other hand, we are certain that the slow and squeaky unfolding of the device will most certainly turn the talents, taking you definitely for the madwoman of the city.

And you don't know the best? You can add the "Miss-My-Face" beekeeper hat to prevent cameras from seeing your face, or the "AutoFilter" scarf, which will automatically cover your nose when in contact with the pollution of a cigarette or a bad breath…

Well, we reassure you:all this is above all art, and the designer is aware that her outfits will not solve all the ills of society. “However, they allow to open debates, not only on societal questions but also on the place of new technologies in our everyday life. »

We find the concept super smart and well thought out. But still...we can't stop laughing.