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6 tips to feel good in the swimming season

Has the approaching swimming season filled you with excitement or fear? Now that it's summer, we may not feel prepared to put on a bikini or bathing suit. If the idea of ​​wearing a bathing suit makes you less excited, then you've come to the right place. Here are six simple tips to help you feel your best as you step into swimsuit season:

1. Take the time to find the perfect swimsuit
Finding the perfect swimsuit is the trick to feeling super confident. You want to enjoy the way it hugs your body and accentuates your favorite features. You want to love the style and design. However, finding that perfect bathing suit is a process that takes time. Give yourself plenty of time when shopping for swimwear so that you can find the best swimsuit for you. If you know you like it and look good in your bathing suit, your confidence will come naturally.

2. Make healthy eating choices to reduce bloating
It's important to start making healthy food choices. In particular, avoid foods that make you feel bloated. No one feels sexy when their tummy is bloated, and a bloated tummy won't get you excited to put on your bathing suit. Now make small adjustments to your diet so that your body feels light and refreshed when you put on your bathing suit.

3. Hydrate your skin Hydrated skin is healthy skin. And when we look healthy, we feel good. Although you're applying self-tanner, which can be a lotion, it's important to moisturize regularly. This will help your self-tanner to apply and set evenly on your skin. And it also gives your skin a smooth, supple look when you strip everything.

4. Raise yourself with positive thoughts
The thoughts you have determine how you feel. So make them positive! Get the idea of ​​a perfect body out of your head, because it doesn't exist. Don't compare yourself to others or put yourself down. Find specific parts of your body that you love and focus on those qualities. Give yourself positive affirmation and don't let self-negativity exist in your mind. You look fantastic!

5. Find a nice cover-up 
Accessories take your outfit to the next level. And what is the best accessory for a swimsuit? A beautiful caftan! It doesn't have to be ideal. It just needs to make you feel beautiful when you wear it. But remember that cover-ups aren't just for sunny days. Cloudy days are perfect times to show off your perfect cover-up. Even if you wear jeans shorts.