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Hair:3 treatments to bring your hair fiber back to life without scissors

The hair , like our skin , undergo the inconveniences of the changes of season, lifestyle but also absorb our emotions . Indeed, stress , for example, can cause some damage. In essence, your hair deserve the same care you give your skin. However, after discussing with manyprofessionals of the sector, we realized that, even with all the good will in the world, we do not apply the good gestures to take care of our hair. At least, not always. For example, we don't wash our hair in the right way, leaving some greasy particles (the product is poorly rinsed), or we are not applying our care correctly . By going to Hovig Etoyan's living room , it was explained to us that it was important, before applying a treatment, to wring out her hair with a towel. And the example he gave us is quite telling:we will never have the idea of ​​applying our day or night cream on skin that is still wet .

Treatments to give your hair a boost

In short, become aware of the care to be given to your hair is a first step. And if our first instinct is to cut our hair reluctantly, this is not necessarily the only solution. There are deep treatments to do in hair salon which rebalance your hair fiber and to take care of certain parts of your hair, unsuspected. Like the scalp . Few people can claim to take special care of the scalp. In the shower, we shampoo, massage and rinse. But we never really focused on detoxification of the skull. In her living room, Delphine Courteille offers a protocol intended to pamper your scalp and offer it a detox, with the treatment "Rehab Scalp" . Finally, if you have observed the effects of the change of season, the show Olab Paris will offer you a treatment that will restore tone to your hair. Anything!