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Beauty:Erase scars with dermabrasion

The skin is the largest organ in the body and it alone has the power to regenerate its superficial layer called "epidermis". Despite this capacity, it is attacked daily by the cold, shocks, beauty products, pimples, illnesses... It cannot therefore renew itself in a homogeneous way, which leaves visible imperfections. She is also the first to expose to others the traces of time that passes on our body, then appear the famous wrinkles and age spots. But a solution exists! Dermabrasion is a technique that aims to remove the epidermis so that it renews itself more effectively, which has the direct effect of erasing (or blurring) scars, wrinkles, spots and improving skin texture. There is a solution for each are the different dermabrasion techniques!

A treatment that suits everyone

Dermabrasion is a treatment that is practiced by a specialist or in an institute. It acts like peeling but without chemicals, which eliminates the risk of allergies... Each skin being different, we must learn to choose the technique that suits us. Dermabrasion sands the skin using a rotating brush, microdermabrasion, which is softer, propels aluminum oxide crystals (directly re-aspirated by the device). Both are suitable for wrinkles and non-deep scars... not very aggressive, they simply require an anesthetic cream applied beforehand.

On the other hand, for deeper scars and wrinkles, as well as skin spots, the most suitable treatment will be the fractional laser which attacks the epidermis but also the superficial dermis (second layer of the skin). Very effective, it is particularly offensive for the skin and requires local anesthesia. A bandage is to be worn for at least 4 days… Great! We do not rush to the door of his friends to show the result! Clearly, with a technique adapted to your problem and care (UV protection and hydration), dermabrasion is a good way to regain beautiful, toned skin (and perhaps even save a few years…!)

Practical info:

Microdermabrasion, count between €100 and €300 per session.

Fractional laser, count around 150€ per area and between 350€ and 700€ for the whole face.